Thanks for the updates! I'm so glad work has finally begun. I drove by the site the other day and saw the huge crane on the site. Hope they work fast!
Hey all, Steve Mitchell here, bought in Phase 1 with my wife and very much looking forward to moving in eventually. Just a question, how many of you out there actually think it will be a move in date of Sept. of next year. We are just trying to get an idea as to what people think.
Hey all, Steve Mitchell here, bought in Phase 1 with my wife and very much looking forward to moving in eventually. Just a question, how many of you out there actually think it will be a move in date of Sept. of next year. We are just trying to get an idea as to what people think.

based on typical construction schedules for condo projects and the progress they have made so far expect a move-in date (assuming no unforeseen delays) of Summer 2013. based on what i was told from someone in the highrise construction industry, expect 22-26 months for constructions once the first shovel hits the ground to when the first tenant moves in They really missed on out a full summer construction season which does not bode well for finishing ahead of mid-2013.
keep in mind they are building phase 2 in conjunction with phase 1 so the scale of the project is much bigger.

i thought the new move in date was set for sept of 2012?
I might swing by tonight and take a look.
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we also received a letter from the lawyer/trust account that the new estimated occupancy was september 2012.
Key word... "estimated" I wouldn't be surprised if it were go get pushed to Dec 2012 or even the first few months of 2013. However though if they can get the base started before winter, we shall be fine cause they can continue to build during the winter at that point.
Key word... "estimated" I wouldn't be surprised if it were go get pushed to Dec 2012 or even the first few months of 2013. However though if they can get the base started before winter, we shall be fine cause they can continue to build during the winter at that point.

December 2012, well that would be a bummer (as I'm not on the first few floors).
But summer of 2013? Ughhhhhhh. That would be hugely disappointing for me.

But the 22-26 months for construction timeline mentioned above? Is that just a generic timeline for condos? Because our building is a lot less floors than the typical condo development in the city. It is almost half the number of floors of most condos. So I really hope that means something positive when it comes to our expected occupancy date... I hope! Thoughts, anyone?
i think between sept and dec 2012 isnt too far fetched... after all it is only 14 floors at its highest.. phase 2 however hasnt been dug out yet, with mountains of dirt piled on the building spot.
8 Sept 2011 from High Park, with the Bathurst and St Clair project's crane in the background:

Stopped by today, it was shortly after 5 and they were still working.. The top parking lot is now gone and they started pouring cement as the floor.
It's been pretty quiet in here. Anyone know of any updates of news on the development? Haven't gone to the Fuse sales centre (yet), curious to know what the model suite is like, is it similar style and finishes as Upside down?
Thanks for the update!

So those who are familiar with condo developments, with this progress so far, does this mean they can continue to work through the winter months and be on track for Sept 2012? Getting very antsy here! :s

Yes...4sure, once they get the footings complete which they have completed about 80% now they can pour all winter they might be ready for next Sept 2012.....and I mean MIGHT lol.....lets keep our fingers crossed. They have been going at a steady pace and they are on site at 6:30 everyday and they leave at 3 in the afternoon, the heavy machine operarators have been working some days up to 6 pm. Their progress have been slow at first but its hard working in teh mud but once they get the first slab down it will be pretty fast.
