Hey Everyone,

I purchased a unit in Fuse 1 and it's the same deal, choose from a few packages. I also bought another prebuild w/ cityplace a few years back and it was the same(pick one of 4 choices).

I think this is very standard, although it was mentioned that someone experienced something different when buying in liberty village.

I happen to know the project manager of the building I bought in, at cityplace. He told me that the reason they can't have people "mixing-and-matching" is would take far too much time for them to install. Imagine having a list of different items to install in each unit vs. installing "Package A" or "Package B".

If you were told something different when you purchased, then they should honor that and I'd be upset too. But, with that said, this seems pretty standard to me.

Take care :)
I remember there being a display on the wall at the old sales office which showed 3 packages to choose from, and even took a picture of it. I was only expecting the 3 so I'm pleasantly surprised that there are 4. I'll probably be changing the carpet to wood/laminate before moving in but want to pick my own from the store I want and install it myself, not bound by the builder's materials and their workers. I wouldn't expect them to have many options since that drives up time and expense, I'd rather just have the building up asap. I imagine it would get very complicated with that many units and choices so the 'lack' of choice doesn't bother me.
Just my two cents.
Just a friendly reminder though, one can not make any changes to their unit in terms of flooring, painting, etc during the Occupancy period as technically the unit isn't yours, only at Registration and mortgage approval does the unit officially become yours. So for those of us that have major upgrades in mind, we're going to have to sit tight and wait during the 6 - 12 months before registration. Here's hoping for a shorter occupancy period than a longer one.
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For those of you who've been to pick out the finishes, did the samples look like the pictures? Were some better/worse? I'd love to know any details!
Ummmm... So I went in to pick out my glorious "package" for my unit and was again disappointed..
So let me ask you guys. Who likes plastic tubs instead of the normal porcelain tub??
Anyone?? Anyone?? Didn't think so.. Well guess what we (phase one) are getting in our units??
And why doesn't anyone find it really dumb that we have ZERO choices when it comes to the washroom..
I even asked if I can buy the materials and they can just use that an NOPE that's not a option..
So I asked if they can NOT Instal some things and I'll do the work myself, NOPE that wasn't a option too..

I'm going to end this rant, I just can't believe how restricted and painful this process with waiting forever for things to get going, then not getting proper answers to questions and now this with the finishes...
Acrylic Tubs

Acrylic tubs are pretty standard now, I think you'd actually be hard pressed to find a non acrylic tub in a home improvement store, unless its a free standing tub. I haven't seen new porcelain tubs in years.
We are also on 6 and got a call last week, and went in last night. The packages aren't bad (#4 is what we picked), the only thing I'm really upset about is having carpet in the bedrooms...
It's somewhat reassuring to see that I'm not the only one who has been totally frustrated with the endless waiting and changing of closing dates. It's also reassuring to see that Phase 1 is finally coming along.
Were others told by Amy and Rob Falus that combining finishes was going to be possible? Months back, I was told that there would be the opportunity to mix and match, but when I went to select finishes this week, I was told that I couldn't. Perhaps they could have alerted buyers.
And - like some here - I wasn't very happy with the selection. But I guess it could have been worse.
It may be a small thing, but it adds to the overall frustration. Hope Upside Down is finished soon and that workmanship and quality are good.
From your (eventual) neighbour on floor 5 of Phase 1...
Just had my appointment to pick my finishings. It was a very quick "what number do you want? Sign here" meeting.
The finishings are pretty much the same as the pics, but the lighting is horrible in the salesroom. It's much better if you take them off the shelves and put them on the floor.

I wonder what the most popular finish is going to be? :)

I'm on the 8th floor.
Just a friendly reminder though, one can not make any changes to their unit in terms of flooring, painting, etc during the Occupancy period as technically the unit isn't yours, only at Registration and mortgage approval does the unit officially become yours. So for those of us that have major upgrades in mind, we're going to have to sit tight and wait during the 6 - 12 months before registration. Here's hoping for a shorter occupancy period than a longer one.

Any thoughts on how long registration should be?
I'm on the 10th floor and got a call last week...I'm going in today to pick everything. Thanks for the heads up about the lighting!! I'm leaning towards option 3 right now.
Option 3 is what I chose: seems the most neutral and most contemporary. I asked if they could install the cabinets without the handles (I thought it would look more streamlined) but they said that wasn't possible. Went to check out the site on the weekend and it seems to be coming along. I must say that the quality of the windows etc seems very good given the original price of our units. Much more solid and esthetically pleasing than some other buildings going up in town. I think the building will look great (once finished)...
