Thanks casaguy for resizing it. It's a shame, because they probably could have done something interesting with the building that's there now, but the new building looks like it's going to be nice. I'm not complaining.
At one time there was a proposal for a complete redevelopment of the Galleria property. It would have included many new condos, and I think a significant reduction in the commercial space. I haven't heard anything about it for a long time. Can anyone shed any light on the proposal's current status?

Bermybob, I'll add my best wishes to you in your new abode. I have visited the sales office for this project and got the floor plans, and I think the development itself is shaping up to be good. It has an attractive "price point" and represents good value for the money.

As for the neighbourhood, it's pretty gritty, IMO, but that's not necessarily bad. There have been a few signs of improvement (a couple of small redevelopments along Dupont, the Mercer Union arriving on Bloor Street, the redo of Lansdowne Avenue south of Bloor, etc). It's a few minutes walk to the really good ice cream at St. Clair and Lansdowne. I would remain concerned about the building at 1011 Lansdowne, which as I said earlier is one of the worst in the city, but agree that this could change, and hopefully will.
Does anyone have a price list for all the different suites? When is the expected completion date, and how many of them are left?

I was there a few days ago and will be back in the morning to make a go/no go decision on this development. I do not know the exact numbers that are left, but the prices are fairly reasonable. Also, maintenance fees are dirt cheap compared to the rest of the city. As for occupancy, they have posted September 2010, but I would guess that since they have not moved any dirt on the site, that the first occupancy is more likely spring 2011. Also, I would fathom a guess that if one were to take an upper level floor, that it would be closer to June or July 2011.

That's just my humble opinion on the time frame though.


What pre-construction site isn't piles of dirt that get moved around??? As I will agree that right beside the tracks isn't the most ideal of locations and the neighbourhood is in need of a spruce up, isn't it beneficial to have a project of this magnitude in the community? In addition to that, short of tearing down the galleria, rebuilding it and putting condos on top, what other chunks of land are there is this area that a 30 acre project could be done? Also, would you agree with the following statement? What better way to begin the regeneration of an area than to have educated and gainfully employed owners taking pride in their homes (and condo's if you want to be specific) and their community?

My 2 cents.

Although this area my not be for everyone, I believe that the opportunity that it presents for young home buyers in this city is fantastic. The real estate and condo market for the most part has become a very difficult to attain dream for most single people making decent money, hoping for better, but paying out fairly big $$$ on cheap under maintained rentals. I am very familiar with this community and the problems that exist there. Anyone that is looking at this development should have their eyes wide open to the realism that this is not the best area of the city, but it is by far not the worst. If you look at where Leslieville is now compared to 5 years ago, you can see the transformation that is underway. Again, it will still be a number of years off, but with the dedication of the community (still making reference to the Leslieville area), the transformation is happening. I believe that there is a lot of good that will come of this development and the future projects in the Wallace-Emerson, Bloorville, and Junction areas. I concede that will take a lot of time to see it come to fruition, but then again, Rome wasn't built in a day either.
I just thought that i would post a follow-up to my previous post.

I can start off by saying Bermybob, I am pleased to say that we are now neighbours. Or at the very least co-owners in our respective shares of dirt and air space, as I too have taken an upper level unit in this project. Although our places are not the same in size, I would laugh if they were in fact next door to each other (leaving one of three possible unit styles for you to figure out which one I'd be in). I guess we'll find out in due time.

Although this project is still some time to completion (and starting), I am very excited about what is to come of this.

This development is offering an exceptional value for those who would like to get into the market, but are just out of reach of the big downtown places. Remember that in the housing market, everyone had to start out somewhere. As for condos, no matter what project you look at, if you get in on pre-construction, you're more likely to reap the biggest rewards.

With condo fees at $0.26 a sq. ft. prices ranging from $152,000 for a 1 bdrm to $250,000 for a good sized 2 bdrm. Why shouldn't people consider this a viable option. Especially when the builder is offering a purchase protection program ( Also, they are offering something call the D.A.P. In my opinion, these are great marketing avenues that this builder has chosen to offer perspective buyers.

BTW: If anyone is serious about buying into this property, send me a pm and I can give you some more info. What do I get out of it? The same as you. We both get a referral bonus. Who doesn't want free cash?

Now for my rant...

Just the disclaimer for those who want to read all of this. I say these things as a matter of personal thought. It is not meant to be directed to any one person or post here.I would just like to quill the stereotype that is being cast upon this neighbourhood. With that being said, I realize that there has been quite a bit of discussion in regards to the area and it's suitability. Personally, I am not one to stifle the opinion of someone else on a topic, but what I would ask is that if you have an opinion on both the area and the project itself, that it be an informed one. I am not trying to imply that the any of the viewpoints here are of less value than others, I have noticed a few things posted that seem to be a matter of misinformation as opposed to fact.

First off: Dollerama - This is a hugely successful chain of stores that strategically locates itself into markets that can sustain it's operation. Just because there is a Dollerama near this project does not make it any less viable. That store will be a absolute bonus to anyone living here, especially those who like to entertain. If something you need to prepare a meal breaks or you just don't have it, you've got a quick cheap replacement within 5 minutes. And while you're there, you can pick up those pesky coloured cocktail napkins that you you forgot to get while you were grocery shopping at the nearby and "terribly convenient" Galleria Mall. Best part of it all, you've only spent 2 bucks compared to the $10-15 if it were a Rabba or a Macs.

Secondly: As in my previous post, this area is going to take some time to rebuild itself, but while it is happening, wouldn't it be more beneficial to everyone if people looked at the positives of this community and what it has to offer. There are a ton of little unknown places that you can get everything your heart desires at. Plus, there are so many little food, meat, and fruit markets in the area all within walking distance. These stores get there goods in on almost a daily basis and what better way to support your community. The shop local thought process is what helps to rebuild struggling communities. I would prefer a niche coffee shop 3 blocks away, run by the local guy that will provide me with a comfortable atmosphere and friendly staff, to go to instead of a Starbucks or a Tim Horten's within a block.

Finally: My take on the area strip clubs and drug dealers. H.O.L. and C.P. (anyone who knows the area knows these locations). Although, I would prefer for them not to be so in-your-face, they are not uncommon for any area of this city. That goes for affluent areas too. The Yonge and Eglinton area has a couple, King West/Liberty Village has some nearby, Queen East, Yonge St, Yorkville, and a whole lot more that I can name but shouldn't need to. What I am saying is that just because these establishments are in the community, should not degrade the area or what it is hoping to become. As you can see, Yorkville is on that list. So why don't people say that's a shady neighbourhood too? Oh, is it because it doesn't have a 1011 Lansdowne element of drug dealers to go with the rippers? If you believe that, than you may be to naive for your own good. The only difference is that instead of pot, hash, and some other not named goods sold from 1011 by a guy in sweats, you've got Coke, H, Ecstasy, Meth, and and whole new batch of 'designer' drugs being sold out of nightclubs and restaurants by guys in suits. But I guess that the key here is that it's acceptable in society today that if you can afford 'designer' drugs, then you are upper class, especially when snorting a line off a toilet seat in a restaurant bathroom.

I won't knock your area, please don't knock mine. If you look for the positives here, you may be pleasantly surprised to actually find that they do exist here.
thanks ididthat for the info!

Does anyone know if the condo is working with a specific broker for mortgages? I thought i saw an RBC card in there, but didnt pick it up??

/\ Boring. Unfounded. Grandstanding. Pretentious. Lame. Pedestrian. Narcissistic. Etc, etc, etc...

Wow, congratulations on the list of intelligent vocabulary. Now all that has to be done is for that sneaker to be placed with such class up your ass :)

End that project.
I didn't realize any of the words I used were 'advanced,' but I accept your congratulations nonetheless.

Welcome to the forum Condocraze. We've seen many a sophomoric newbie try to muscle his/her way in with mordant comments and cheap shots at long-standing members, but I'm sure you'll fit in just fine.
Condocraze: getting into insulting language early on, or baiting others, is not looked upon favourably by the powers that be. If you really feel you have to denigrate a project that others on the forum are buying into, at least try to have content and real meaning in your post. Otherwise you are just fannig the flames, and longtime members here are not so interested.


Wow... Condocraze, you're viewpoints, opinions, and comments are exceptionally educated and well informed. I'm sorry that my comments on the project and area are sub-par, ill-mannered, and completely useless gibberish. I should really learn to not type the things on my mind because I clearly have no clue of what I am talking about and I obviously have not done my research on the community, the project or the developers.

Please accept my humble apology for being so arrogant. Next time I will try to make sure that I strive to reach the level of superior education that you clearly possess which, in turn, will enable my abilities to explain myself with legitimate justifications, thoughtful wording, and intelligent input. Hopefully, by doing just that, I will have managed to provide a basis for my opinions rather than just coming across as an ignorant jerk.

Again, sorry for wasting your time. I will do my best to refrain from posting anything again until I have reached the level of intellectual maturity required to be useful to anyone and I wish you the best of luck in your search for a project that you do like someday.
ididthat ... I think your comments were well founded and provides good insight to this 'less discussed' part of the City ... I certainly am happy to read your further posts on this project to better 'inform' myself

with no offense intended to purchasers of this project ... while it is true My Electric City may not be an architecturally outstanding building, but I think its a good development that will serve to initiate redevelopment in an area that is in need of regeneration, it would definitely be a change for the better

It has been my experience here that most of the members are open minded. I just had to let my unique style of humour out with that last post. Also, it's nice to see that there are those who wish to know more about areas of the city that are as you say less known.

I also have to sadly announce that I have exercised my right to withdraw within the 10 day cooling off period. I still feel that this project is going to be great for this community, I am just no longer in a position to be able to wait 24 - 28 months for suitable completion before I can move in.

If I find out more about this project as time goes on, I will share it though.

As for the area news, I will still be adding to the Dufferin-Bloor-Lansdowne post when there is news about the community. It should be found here.
