I was just at the site, no progress since the last updates. The hole is large, but there haven't been any changes in the past month, no activity today at the site, no equipment etc.

I am really frustrated by the lack of communication on the project. I wish someone could fill us in on the plans, schedule etc. I feel like we're all in limbo...
acording to May ling................

I was just at the site, no progress since the last updates. The hole is large, but there haven't been any changes in the past month, no activity today at the site, no equipment etc.

I am really frustrated by the lack of communication on the project. I wish someone could fill us in on the plans, schedule etc. I feel like we're all in limbo...

I am frustrated as well with the lack of communication. I called and spoke with the sale center. May Ling( sales) keeps telling me that the project is a go and that the value of the condo has gone up and that delays are a normal thing. NO warm and fuzzy feeling after talking with her. Felt like a blow off effect after being diverted from the original question " what is delaying the start up of the project?"
I am frustrated as well with the lack of communication. I called and spoke with the sale center. May Ling( sales) keeps telling me that the project is a go and that the value of the condo has gone up and that delays are a normal thing. NO warm and fuzzy feeling after talking with her. Felt like a blow off effect after being diverted from the original question " what is delaying the start up of the project?"


I called also today and chatted with a sales rep. and she did say they are behind 30 days and that the sales staff knows very little of the details of the project (construction). I was then told that phase 3 and 4 are launching Sept. '10, and they will selling at 400.00 sq/ft and so I was told that everyone who had bought early has made a good chunk of change. But I am taking her words with a grain of salt until I see the sales results of P 3 & 4 and the sale prices, also to note I was told the remaining units selling price have increased.

If you have any issues or questions contact the developer directly at rob@neudorfercorp.com (Robert falus).
I work with many construction companies. I have asked many in the business, if the completion date of December 2011 is realistic, being that the project has not begun. I always get "Not Possible" !!

It does SUCK !!!!
I have to concur. I work on projects of this scale all the time, December 2011 will never happen unless they employ 24 hour construction which again, will never happen.
So if they push the move in date, which looks like they will, would this be the 2nd change or 3rd?
from what i can tell from my purchase contract, the developers have until late 2012 to complete the project... i.e. that is the latest possible closing date and would be 24 months (2yrs) behind schedule at that point. It would not be unreasonable, considering the construction is in its infancy, to plan on that being the probable move in date. Sucky? Yes, but not really surprising given the state of the housing market and the scope of this multi-phase project.

from what i can tell from my purchase contract, the developers have until late 2012 to complete the project... i.e. that is the latest possible closing date and would be 24 months (2yrs) behind schedule at that point. It would not be unreasonable, considering the construction is in its infancy, to plan on that being the probable move in date. Sucky? Yes, but not really surprising given the state of the housing market and the scope of this multi-phase project.


Did you purchase phase 1 or phase 2.....and please let me know where you read this in teh purchase contract...I want to read this as well...thanks

Did you purchase phase 1 or phase 2.....and please let me know where you read this in teh purchase contract...I want to read this as well...thanks


Phase 1....

Section 1.04 a) states the "tentative occupancy means the 30th of Sep 2010"
Section 2.09 a) says the "selected (occupancy) date shall not not be more than 24 months from the tentative occupancy date"
Section 10.01 states "the closing date shall be... the later of... 1) the occupancy date... or 2) >10 days after the registration of the condo plan..."

... i take this to mean that the closing date will be the occupancy date which is 2 years at the latest after Sep 2010, making it Sep 2012... this is assuming that this last condition (of notice of registration) has already passed which by my non-legal interpretation I think it must have.

If anyone can confirm this interpretation please post it here.

Has there been any movement yet on the lot? Any get back any responses yet from emails?
I sent an email to Rob Falus last week regarding my concern that Phase One has not begun. I asked about the Dec. 2011 competion date, stating that I feel it is not realistic.
He replied saying that they are waiting for their "shoring permit". He stated that once they have received this permit we/us will see work progress VERY quickly. He also stated they are still hoping for a Dec 2011 occupancy and he feels this date is still possible.

Lets cross our fingers, I hope he is right 'cause I am getting a little anxious...

Thanks for the update! Not sure what exactly a shoring permit is but I hope they get it soon. And he might just be too optimistic about the Dec 2011 date. I sure have my fingers crossed nonetheless.
