Here is an update........


09 199695 FND 00 Partial Permit Oct 1, 2010 Examiner's Notice Sent



09 199695 FND 00 Partial Permit Oct 1, 2010 Examiner's Notice Sent
So it looks like some movement will hopefully commence soon and hopefully now we'll get some form of letter. Has anyone gotten anything yet?
So it looks like some movement will hopefully commence soon and hopefully now we'll get some form of letter. Has anyone gotten anything yet?

NO letter here.........

I just had a chat with a Toronto City employee who works on this permit application and he did tell me this stage could take a long time depending on how fast the developer responds to the request from Toronto for information. So now we all know this up to Channington and their will to be on time with this development. PV me if you want in on the letter to TF and group......we need 10 or ppl for this.

I'd be willing to sign the letter if it helps. I honestly believe our investment is not in jeopardy but i do think the developers could use some motivation to make the whole process more transparent and perhaps more expedient.

I feel the pain of those who purchased early and might now be stuck in crappy temporary rental situations (like myself) but i'm sure there's a lesson somewhere in here for us to learn... don't buy into pre-contruction if you are renting? or don't expect any cooperation from the selling parties involved? or expect your condo to be delayed longer than you thought legally possible? or something like that...

I'd be willing to sign as well. I want more clarity with what is going on. This whole mentioning of a letter which seems that it will never be sent is a clear view poor communication and if you think about it, the poor customer service. How am I to recommend to other people this developer when at the moment he's leaving me in the dark. I'm curious to know if other people from his other developments have had similar issues in regards to communication.
So it looks like some movement will hopefully commence soon and hopefully now we'll get some form of letter. Has anyone gotten anything yet?

Well its Nov 18/ letter yet!!!
I guess that was another tactic to shut us up for a short while. Not Happy !!
Well its Nov 18/ letter yet!!!
I guess that was another tactic to shut us up for a short while. Not Happy !!

Seems as thou this is true........

I have called the sales office to speak to Beverley to get some info and now I have been told she no longer works there....they have changed staff.......

I have also called Rob F. and he has not returned my it does look like they are avoiding questions for their customers
Seems as thou this is true........

I have called the sales office to speak to Beverley to get some info and now I have been told she no longer works there....they have changed staff.......

I have also called Rob F. and he has not returned my it does look like they are avoiding questions for their customers

I just sent an email to Amy at the sales office.
I was VERY clear about the frustration we are feeling with the lack of communication.
I dont expect to hear anything......I'll keep you posted if I am wrong and I get a response.

09 199695 FND 00 Partial Permit Oct 1, 2010 Under Review



09 199695 FND 00 Partial Permit Oct 1, 2010 Under Review

It looks like the City has now the information, prior to this a letter was sent to now it is under review again....I think(?) this is positive......but still I want to see a hole dug and something done!
Amy from the Sales Office responded to my email.....quite quickly I might add.
She is forwarding my email to the developer.
I live just north of Toronto....Vaughan. As I go to work every day, I am watching a development that has completed their advertising of this site, sold whatever % of the development, demolished buildings on the site, cleared the site, shoring has been put in place, there is so much activity on this site. Trucks, cranes, excavation equipment....they are moving at a feverish pace.......all within a very short period of time. Every day I see this development and it ticks me off. I only wish our developer/development was as progressive.

I need to take a different route to work to stay
well if no one is getting any info as to whats going on then we need to do something about it. what ever happened to that letter that was gonna be sent demanding that they keep us informed as to whats going on. So now that the city has the info required to get the permitt how long would you think it will be till they start laying the foundation?
well if no one is getting any info as to whats going on then we need to do something about it. what ever happened to that letter that was gonna be sent demanding that they keep us informed as to whats going on. So now that the city has the info required to get the permitt how long would you think it will be till they start laying the foundation?

I contacted a friend of mine today, he owns a construction company. I explained where we were at, he said have a lawyer draw up a letter demanding information and send to the developer.
Not sure if anyone is a lawyer who might help. My lawyer will charge $200.00 for such letter........
well if no one is getting any info as to whats going on then we need to do something about it. what ever happened to that letter that was gonna be sent demanding that they keep us informed as to whats going on. So now that the city has the info required to get the permitt how long would you think it will be till they start laying the foundation?

We need more than 5 do such a letter. There has been very little responce and to have any effect we need numbers. It seems as this developer is prone to delays...look at the Brownstones on Bloor.
