well lets get everyone's email that we can get on this thread then we can probably even start a group on facebook or something to get the word out there. I spoke with tom fauls about 2 weeks ago or so and he seemed very annoyed that i even called him to get info. he said that they are no longer going to be talking with costomers directly and that if we had any questions to call the sales centre his last words were everything is on schedule, we will have the permits soon phase one is 90% sold and that the excavating would be starting soon. since then no letter, no excavating and no new info
well lets get everyone's email that we can get on this thread then we can probably even start a group on facebook or something to get the word out there. I spoke with tom fauls about 2 weeks ago or so and he seemed very annoyed that i even called him to get info. he said that they are no longer going to be talking with costomers directly and that if we had any questions to call the sales centre his last words were everything is on schedule, we will have the permits soon phase one is 90% sold and that the excavating would be starting soon. since then no letter, no excavating and no new info

Hey people, let's all just be a little bit more patient and see what happens, I have invested for 8 units here with my broker and his clients and I have never called nor went down to check on them, they will buiild regardless, too much $$$ is on the line and everyone knows it.
well lets get everyone's email that we can get on this thread then we can probably even start a group on facebook or something to get the word out there. I spoke with tom fauls about 2 weeks ago or so and he seemed very annoyed that i even called him to get info. he said that they are no longer going to be talking with costomers directly and that if we had any questions to call the sales centre his last words were everything is on schedule, we will have the permits soon phase one is 90% sold and that the excavating would be starting soon. since then no letter, no excavating and no new info

I think that it is funny as hell that Falus is now avoiding his customers......."Everything is on Schedule" ummmm really Rob you sure about that? Maybe for his life it is and he is not the one who has to worry about rising rates.

I think he forgets who pays his bills...we need to remind him of this!
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they bought the land, they are going to build regardless.....it has to go through....

I totally agree with you.....

But the issue here is the lack of information coming from the developer.......i have followed the devlopers other projects in this area and they have done great work..but it took them too long to complete or get started. The Brownstones on Bloor is way behind, as for the purchasing agreement.......the completion date is Dec 2011.

Other FYI:
1) But is anyone aware that there will be only one entrance to the complex? The driveway on lappin cannot be used.
2) Shared driveway costs with the Standard lofts means condo fees will go up drastically.
3) Phase 3 & 4 roads and sewers are going in now......
There's no doubt in my mind that the project is gonna go through but the question is will it get done on time. i bought here because i like the area and whats getting done with it i think its really up and coming and because of the Dec 2011 occupancy date but if these guys are gonna still say that occupancy is Dec 2011 then they need to get the ball rolling ASAP
There's no doubt in my mind that the project is gonna go through but the question is will it get done on time. i bought here because i like the area and whats getting done with it i think its really up and coming and because of the Dec 2011 occupancy date but if these guys are gonna still say that occupancy is Dec 2011 then they need to get the ball rolling ASAP

Agreed.....that is why i put the offer in (2011), but if the on completion is summer 2012 well thn this is a little long, but you see I have a unit on the top floor (14th) this means I will be moving in last....well past the Summer 2011 date, and this is what is really bothering me.
same here i bought on the 13th floor so we're already moving in a bit later then the Dec 2011 date. BTW my email is benito@decorterminal.com for whomever is putting the letter together. have you been in contact with anyone that has given a new update?
While many realtors wonder what's going on--from outright cancellation to big delays for the project--http://twitter.com/urbanation says:

The next phase of Channington/Neudorfer condo development @ Lansdowne & Dupont coming in Spring 2011 - 562 units: http://twitpic.com/37yk3u

so what exactly does this all mean? that they will begin actual work in the spring? who posted this tweet if you dont mind me asking or is this phases 3 & 4?
While many realtors wonder what's going on--from outright cancellation to big delays for the project--http://twitter.com/urbanation says:
The next phase of Channington/Neudorfer condo development @ Lansdowne & Dupont coming in Spring 2011 - 562 units: http://twitpic.com/37yk3u

I understand this tweet is in reference to phase 3 + 4 which is to be built on top of the existing industrial building (currently housing the sales office) NW of Dupont + Lansdowne ... which you can see in the overall scaled model

Visited the sales office again and got these shots of the Community Master Plan model ... it really helps to understand the overall development scheme ~ :)

View from South - Phase 1+2 at bottom left
Click to Enlarge

View from Southeast - Lansdowne Avenue on the right

View from East - showing the future phases 3-7 highrises
I totally agree with you.....

But the issue here is the lack of information coming from the developer.......i have followed the devlopers other projects in this area and they have done great work..but it took them too long to complete or get started. The Brownstones on Bloor is way behind, as for the purchasing agreement.......the completion date is Dec 2011.

Other FYI:
1) But is anyone aware that there will be only one entrance to the complex? The driveway on lappin cannot be used.
2) Shared driveway costs with the Standard lofts means condo fees will go up drastically.
3) Phase 3 & 4 roads and sewers are going in now......


Any explanation as to why the entrance on Lappin can not be used? I know for a fact that the builder's model of the community has an open access entrance on it from Lappin, which I'm assuming you've seen??
