I haven't heard or seen anything yet I've been away for a while. They do have the permits to start laying the foundation just don't know when they plan to start. If anyone hears anything please keep me updated
drove by there today.. no sign of anything. not even footprints in the snow lol.. not impressed!!
drove by there today.. no sign of anything. not even footprints in the snow lol.. not impressed!!

WOW..... really disappointed!! I thougt by this time there would be some kind of communication regarding the delay. Any kind of communication would feel a little better than nothing at!!!
WOW..... really disappointed!! I thougt by this time there would be some kind of communication regarding the delay. Any kind of communication would feel a little better than nothing at!!!

They are on site today working cleaning up and digging around the rail tracks
They are on site today working cleaning up and digging around the rail tracks

Thanks for that update. I wish it was more but in time I guess. It will be really nice to have you as our eyes and ears overlooking the site..... much appreciated, thanks Diane
They are on site today working cleaning up and digging around the rail tracks

That is good news, hopefully now we'll see them working there more consistently so we can move in when we're supposed to. Thanks a lot Rikk keep us posted
Thanks for that update. I wish it was more but in time I guess. It will be really nice to have you as our eyes and ears overlooking the site..... much appreciated, thanks Diane

NP....the thing is my apartment window over looks the site....I keep starting at it everyday LOL.....so when ever I see something I will post it

Drove by the site on my way to work this mourning and saw them working again. This is very good because it shows me that their starting to go full force hopefully with this project to meet the deadline.
I'd be content with a 6/7 month delay, pushing it to June/July 2012. Anyone know what the average delay is for pre-construction condos? I highly doubt very many have ever been built "on-time". Plus it would be easier I think to move during the summer months than the winter months.
Hi all, I also bought in Phase 1 with my wife and we are totally excited to move in as soon as possible. We have been out of the city for quite a while and I have found this forum wonderfully helpful. I am also interested in the condo board when the time comes and will be an active voice for the building. We are a young professional couple and we bought a 2 bed 2 bath unit on the 7th floor. We had been driving by the site as often as we could but have not been in the city since the fall. Happy to hear about the minor movement. Thanks again to all that are close by and have been posting updates. It is greatly appreciated and I will try to contribute over the next few months.

Steve Mitchell, future 7th floor resident.
I bought in Phase II...closing date on agreement is December 21, 2012...LOL...(i.e. the exact date the Mayan calendar says is the end of time...). Well, if the world DOESnt end, I'll have bought me a condo!!!!
Thanks for the updates everyone.

BTW: This is the second time I am buying from this builder. Originally I owned at BeBloor at 1369 Bloor...kinda homely looking building but it appreciated very nicely and I sold for good $$$. The builder is kinda of a pioneer in this neighbourhood, and even if they are usually late in terms of delivery, they do end up delivering...EVENTUALLY. To give you an idea, BeBloor was delayed by about one YEAR....!!!! I bought in 2004 and didnt move in until April, 2006...though it was supposed to be mid-2005. Keep thinking about all the appreciation in price that you are getting without having to carry the property and it should make you sleep a little better at night!
