I really WOULD like them to let us know ASAP if December 2011 is no longer feasible.

Occupancy 10 months from now is completely impossible. Give the project 2 years from when the shoring and digging starts, 18 months at best. Until construction starts, just like any project, the target date is mostly meaningless.
10 months is basically impossible at this point. Based on other projects in the GTA of this size you're looking at the following timelines:

1) Shoring - 2-3 months
2) Digging - 2-3 months
3) Pouring for bottom - 1 month
4) Pouring to ground level (~3 weeks a floor) - 3 months

So it will be almost october before they're back to ground level - and thats assuming they get going soon.

5) Pouring up to 14 (2 weeks a floor) - 7 months
6) Interior work (2- 3 weeks a floor) - 9 months

So depending on the level you're on my guess is mid to late 2013 for occupancy but it all depends on when they get started.
So whats new with all this has there been any work done on the site lately? has there been any word on whats happening as to when everything is gonna get started?
The website has launched for the next phase of condos: http://fusecondos.com with a public release date of Spring 2011... I think this is hopeful for us phase 1 buyers as they should begin phase 1 construction before the launch date? What do you think? Also, there is a partnership with Metro, so we will have a super market very close by.
Hi everyone,
I found your forum while looking for info about how construction was proceeding at upside down...looks like a year delay based on what I read eh? I'm a phase 2'er myself but it looks as though I'll be at least 6 months late providing they put the foundation and skeleton of p1 and p2 in at the same time.
I hope we see some movement soon!
Does anyone have any contact info for the developer? I'd like to call Channington myself and see if I can get some direct info than a run around.
I was given this number by the sales office. I gotta warn you though i dont think he's gonna be to happy that you are calling cuz when i called he was pretty upset. but give him a call anyways and let me know what happens. This is Tom Fauls number and its 416-483-1066. good luck
I was given this number by the sales office. I gotta warn you though i dont think he's gonna be to happy that you are calling cuz when i called he was pretty upset. but give him a call anyways and let me know what happens. This is Tom Fauls number and its 416-483-1066. good luck

I got the same responce also.....they are not happy to hear for us. Everyone give them a call and put some pressure on these guys.

What did Tom say?
This all goes back to everyone needing to get together and head down to the sales office to see what the hell is going on. it's bad enough that the occupancy date got pushed back to Dec 2012, now im worried that its gonna get pushed back even further then that. i bought in phase 1 because of its occupancy date if i wanted Dec 2012 i would have bought in phase 2. we really need to do something about this cuz if i don't get some answers i'd rather just get my money back and buy something thats already built.
that makes 2 so far. lets get enough people to make a big statement

I would love to have my money back!

I do have a lawyer and I was informed for P1 that it could be pushed back until 2013!

I agree.....we should do something about this.

Its not the people in the sales office who should take our complaint but the developer directly, from the start tehy have not been upfront with anyone. I also see working being done at the foundry Lofts...some demo going on, so it makes me think if they can do teh work there why not in P1. We have the sales numbers and this should have been started in the summer of 2010.
