hey all,
I was at the Phase 1 site yesterday and asked one of the guys working on Phase two if he knew whether they'd started working on the interiors at Phase 1. He said that they're currently working on the corridors and could start working on the interiors in the next couple of weeks. I also saw plastic around some windows on the lower floors which might mean they're actually prepping for interior work. There were also lots of crates outside with ducts and varied parts etc. The worker (who was very friendly) said that once they start the interiors, the work goes pretty fast.

Who knows; given that we still have 3 months to go to the last tentative closing date, we might actually be moving in December (or thereabouts) after all. The building's looking good. Can't wait to get this over with. Thanks for the great pictures everyone.
Hey guys, I bought in Phase 1 of UpsideDown, and took advantage of that offer they had going (5% down, then builder puts 10% via loan that they pay the interest on until closing, then final 5% on closing). Does anyone have the fax number where we are supposed to send invoices to? Or the fax number for the builder? I've misplaced it and can't seem to get a hold of anyone at the sales office. Thanks!!
Hey guys, I bought in Phase 1 of UpsideDown, and took advantage of that offer they had going (5% down, then builder puts 10% via loan that they pay the interest on until closing, then final 5% on closing). Does anyone have the fax number where we are supposed to send invoices to? Or the fax number for the builder? I've misplaced it and can't seem to get a hold of anyone at the sales office. Thanks!!

I also took advantage of that program. They've been quite good at prompt quarterly reimbursal. The Fax number is: 416-483-1068.
here's some more pics from earlier this week. moved in to the standard lofts while we wait for phase 2 to be built. nice area, nice people, haven't been bothered by anyone bad yet. only gripe is the railway tracks...gets noisy so leaving your windows open during the day and night isn't always ideal.

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I'm glad to hear that people are nice in the area but I'm pretty upset to hear about the noise from the railway. I was very concerned about that when I was considering purchasing and I was told at the sales centre that there are only two trains that go by, one at 8am and one at 8pm and that they don't create much noise. My unit will be facing west so this is a huge concern for me, not only for my comfort but for re-sale value. Aprox how often trains are going by? All hours of the day and night? Week days and weekends? Honking their horns and whistles?
I also lived at the Standard lofts, 7th floor facing south east, and I heard the noise from the tracks regularly. There were no whistles or horns, just the noise of the train going by on the tracks, it was something I got used to, never kept me up at night or anything like that, and I tuned it out after a while so I don't remember exactly how many times per day it occurred; however I suspect the noise was from the train tracks that run parallel to Dupont, just north of Dupont, and not from the Go train tracks that run directly behind the building.

Also keep in mind that the Standard buildings are not built to condo code (you can hear your neighbors very clearly, and I believe that this would not be permissible by condo noise by-laws), so I think they will be better at blocking out the noise.
I also lived at the Standard lofts, 7th floor facing south east, and I heard the noise from the tracks regularly. There were no whistles or horns, just the noise of the train going by on the tracks, it was something I got used to, never kept me up at night or anything like that, and I tuned it out after a while so I don't remember exactly how many times per day it occurred; however I suspect the noise was from the train tracks that run parallel to Dupont, just north of Dupont, and not from the Go train tracks that run directly behind the building.

Also keep in mind that the Standard buildings are not built to condo code (you can hear your neighbors very clearly, and I believe that this would not be permissible by condo noise by-laws), so I think they will be better at blocking out the noise.

Thanks so much for your reply! Though I'm not happy to learn its a regular thing, this does make me feel a bit more at ease.
Since you live(d) in the neighbourhood just wondering if you had any issues with the people hanging around the Coffee Time or the rental highrise next to it? I've heard there were junkies and prostitutes hanging around there a few years back but that it has improved. What do you think? Did you feel safe walking at night in the area? Any input you can share about the neighbourhood would be much appreciated!
Thanks so much for your reply! Though I'm not happy to learn its a regular thing, this does make me feel a bit more at ease.
Since you live(d) in the neighbourhood just wondering if you had any issues with the people hanging around the Coffee Time or the rental highrise next to it? I've heard there were junkies and prostitutes hanging around there a few years back but that it has improved. What do you think? Did you feel safe walking at night in the area? Any input you can share about the neighbourhood would be much appreciated!

I lived at the standard for 3 years, and now I live closer to Bloor and Lansdowne. I'm a young female, and I'm happy to report that I've never had any issues in the area. I take the TTC everywhere, so I often get home late at night and haven't had problems.

That said, although the neighborhood has improved, it still isn't the greatest and you have to be street smart; however there are sketchy people all over Toronto...even more so downtown in certain areas so I don't think it's that bad here, I wouldn't be too worried. When I lived at the Standard, I wouldn't walk home alone after dark, I would take the bus from the subway and get off at Lapin then walk, never had any problems. I keep away from the Coffee Time late at night (although it's fine to go there during the day), and I don't hang out in that area alone at night. The "coffee time crowd" keep to themselves at coffee time, I've never seen them go into the common area of the Standard Lofts, so it's really fine. I actually really enjoy living in the area, lots of new restaurants etc. are springing up with the condo developments. The coffee time is still sketchy, there are definitely some drug-users/dealers hanging around. I have also seen prostitutes in from of the bus stop on Lapin Ave. but it's not a regular occurrence. There have been some instances of car break-ins at the outdoor visitors parking lot, but nothing underground as far as I'm aware. There are a lot of young professionals living at the Standard Lofts, in my opinion it's becoming a great neighborhood to live in. Although there are "sketchy" people walking around at times on Lansdowne, in my experience they keep to themselves and don't bother you. Hope that helps, let me know if you have any other questions :)
I lived at the standard for 3 years, and now I live closer to Bloor and Lansdowne. I'm a young female, and I'm happy to report that I've never had any issues in the area. I take the TTC everywhere, so I often get home late at night and haven't had problems.

That said, although the neighborhood has improved, it still isn't the greatest and you have to be street smart; however there are sketchy people all over Toronto...even more so downtown in certain areas so I don't think it's that bad here, I wouldn't be too worried. When I lived at the Standard, I wouldn't walk home alone after dark, I would take the bus from the subway and get off at Lapin then walk, never had any problems. I keep away from the Coffee Time late at night (although it's fine to go there during the day), and I don't hang out in that area alone at night. The "coffee time crowd" keep to themselves at coffee time, I've never seen them go into the common area of the Standard Lofts, so it's really fine. I actually really enjoy living in the area, lots of new restaurants etc. are springing up with the condo developments. The coffee time is still sketchy, there are definitely some drug-users/dealers hanging around. I have also seen prostitutes in from of the bus stop on Lapin Ave. but it's not a regular occurrence. There have been some instances of car break-ins at the outdoor visitors parking lot, but nothing underground as far as I'm aware. There are a lot of young professionals living at the Standard Lofts, in my opinion it's becoming a great neighborhood to live in. Although there are "sketchy" people walking around at times on Lansdowne, in my experience they keep to themselves and don't bother you. Hope that helps, let me know if you have any other questions :)

Hi AnnMar,
Thank you for your detailed reply! It gives me a really good idea of what to expect & I really appreciate that. :)
Spoke again with my buddy working on our condo (Phase 1):

>Tiles are being installed, They are on the 2nd floor with tile installation (which he says are extremely cheap tiles)
>Drywall is being installed, They're up to the 7th floor with that
>Bathtubs are being installed, They're up to the 10th floor with that.

more updates to come soon, but its starting to look very promising for Dec move in date, I think mainly because they can't change the occupancy date again being that Dec is less then 90 days away, as Tarion law states that should the occupancy date be changed they must give at least 90 days notice.
Luckily then, being cheap tiles, those of us who plan on doing our own upgrades, will be able to rip them off easily then. *jk*
Luckily then, being cheap tiles, those of us who plan on doing our own upgrades, will be able to rip them off easily then. *jk*

lol ya no kidding.Like i said before i have a home design store and i sell a lot of these builder grade stuff as well, one of the things im very familiar with is the carpet which is from Beaulieu, a company based out of quebec, we do most of our commercial carpeting business with them and the quality they are using for our units is the lower grade quality but thats the name of the game.
hey benberly14 - that's great; it's very reassuring. And how timely.
This morning I dropped off at the Phase 1 site before work, hoping to talk to a supervisor about how things were progressing. I was directed to an assistant supervisor. When I asked him how things were going he was very reluctant to say anything. I asked him if they'd started on interiors - he said he didn't know. When I expressed my surprise - that he's on site and purports not to know the state of construction - he simply told me he couldn't talk to owners and walked away. I was furious and about to call Rob Falus, but luckily you posted a quick account of how things are coming along.
I hope your friend is right. And hopefully December (or thereabouts) will be a moving date for some of us.

Given that it takes a while for the property to get registered, and we'll have to pay a 'rent' till then, does anyone know how that will work? Will we need to give them a first and last? How much do we think that will come to?
thanks all
I was at the sales office yesterday, asked about the occupancy date, was told anticipated date is March 2013. That is for the lower floors, higher floor's move in date could be April or May.
