I was actually wondering a similar things re: occupancy. So you have a date, whether it's December 15th, January 15th etc. Generally on that day there is a bunch of work the lawyers need to do before they "release" the keys. I am wondering whether they will do any of that work before the actual day of occupancy -- often, with a house, you may not receive your keys until 5pm on that day. So then the question would be, whether your actual MOVING day is the next day -- and how you go about booking elevators etc when it is unclear when you'll have all the paperwork type stuff done. Anyone have a conversation with sales office about this?

Hi folks - I actually got an answer to my question. The date of occupancy is when you'll get your keys assuming all paperwork gets done -- could all be official by 9am, but could also be 5pm. In planning your moving you may want to think about giving yourself a buffer when planning trucks, booking the elevator etc (which is going to be pre-arranged closed to the occupancy date).
The big move is coming up for a lot of us (Dec 17 for some). I passed by the site today and noticed that quite a bit of work still needs to be done to the outside of the building, including a lot of the balconies which seem to be unfinished. And who knows what the state of the unit is on the inside!

Does anyone know the minimum state the unit must be in in order to have someone safely move in?

For the Dec 17 movers, have there been any problems or issues that have shown their ugly face?

When someone goes for their unit inspection, could you take some pictures and let us know how the inspection went?

We had to push back our move in day to Feb 1st (we were lucky that it was even an option), so we're a bit dissapointed that we don't get to experience all of this in December.
So anyone else get a wonderful call today delaying their PDI? I agreed to moving in in Jan under the promise that I could gain access to my unit before the end of Dec so that way then I could get an idea of sizing, cable outlets, power outlets, etc to know where furniture would be placed and the type of furniture I wanted to purchase. All fine and dandy till just now, getting a phone call saying that the unit is not really ready and won't be ready for the PDI as "major components" won't be installed quite yet.
I was told that they would contact me again with a new date for the PDI. I find it sad though, as I had told them in the sales centre and over the phone when they originally called. I was willing to delay move in if they would allow me access to the unit to at least get an idea of where everything is at during the month of Dec. They agreed do it so I agreed to the change of move in. I finally send in my amendment signed and poof a call bright and early Monday morning telling me the news. Yet again another broken promise, surprising, not really.
I was afraid of that. But, since you signed that agreement they don't have to finish until your new time. I'm getting the sense they've stopped working on the units that have been pushed back and are focusing on the units that have a December date. You probably won't get in until a week before your move in date.

However, they still haven't phoned me to schedule my PDI and I'm supposed to move in on Dec 15th.
Opps...just got a call from the builder. They won't have city clearance to occupy the building until Jan 15-20 at the earliest. lol.
Opps...just got a call from the builder. They won't have city clearance to occupy the building until Jan 15-20 at the earliest. lol.

Another delay, another excuse... What else is new. Soo disappointed with the builder!! It's excuses after excuses. I feel like just going to the sales office and making myself at home in their model suite, until they call the cops.. Wouldn't get us anywhere but I'm sure the builder would get word of it, and at least acknowledge the fact that we're getting frustrated and angry!
Opps...just got a call from the builder. They won't have city clearance to occupy the building until Jan 15-20 at the earliest. lol.

Adman - What date they give you to move in considering you were supposed to move on Dec 15th?. I agreed to move on Dec 29th, but I havent heard anything from them yet.
Opps...just got a call from the builder. They won't have city clearance to occupy the building until Jan 15-20 at the earliest. lol.

That's crazy Adman.. I wonder why the lady on the phone didn't just say that. Makes sense though cause when I was asking her about rescheduling for Jan my PDI, she was like, I don't have any information at this moment about when I can book PDI appointments for Jan and will get back to you as soon as I can to let you know. I'm also tempted in just going to the sales centre this week and asking them to delay me till the last phase of people to move in at this point.

mk2vr, if this was Facebook I would have "liked" your post man. Funny!

Social media is everything this day and age. There are many ways of getting the word out there, Facebook, Twitter, CTV, CityTV, Toronto Life. Many of these outlets love such stories.
That's crazy Adman.. I wonder why the lady on the phone didn't just say that. Makes sense though cause when I was asking her about rescheduling for Jan my PDI, she was like, I don't have any information at this moment about when I can book PDI appointments for Jan and will get back to you as soon as I can to let you know. I'm also tempted in just going to the sales centre this week and asking them to delay me till the last phase of people to move in at this point.

mk2vr, if this was Facebook I would have "liked" your post man. Funny!

Social media is everything this day and age. There are many ways of getting the word out there, Facebook, Twitter, CTV, CityTV, Toronto Life. Many of these outlets love such stories.

The only problem with contacting any media outlets at this point, is it would probably slow down sales of phases 4 and future phases from the builder in the area and in turn lower our resale value
They didn't give me a date. I still have to give him a call back, but he told me that they can't meet my occupancy date of the 15th because they don't have city clearance to occupy the building, and they don't think they'll get clearance until January 15 or 20th. Then he asked if I need accommodations to wait it out. Who knows, maybe I can stay at his place?
I really don't think there is a firm date anymore, but I hope they will be offering some sort of compensation. If not I'll apply for the Tarion delay compensation.

Did anyone else get a call?
They didn't give me a date. I still have to give him a call back, but he told me that they can't meet my occupancy date of the 15th because they don't have city clearance to occupy the building, and they don't think they'll get clearance until January 15 or 20th. Then he asked if I need accommodations to wait it out. Who knows, maybe I can stay at his place?
I really don't think there is a firm date anymore, but I hope they will be offering some sort of compensation. If not I'll apply for the Tarion delay compensation.

Did anyone else get a call?

I wonder if they knew this delay was going to happen and then asked those willing to delay to delay, thus allowing them not to have to compensate as many people.
