I wonder if they knew this delay was going to happen and then asked those willing to delay to delay, thus allowing them not to have to compensate as many people.

I got a call today, they said the same that they didnt get the city clearance and it will be after Jan 20 for me to move in. I will be asking for compensation for the delay, and I asked for a new letter indicating the new final date. Have anyone heard anything different?
Once again I'm disappointed by these guys..
I noticed on my phone on Sat that I had a missed call from the sales office, no voice mail was left for me so I didn't think it was of importance to call them back.. I guess they were calling because of this news??
My move in date is Dec 14th (7days) and I haven't spoken to anyone about it.. I was offered to change my move in date, but didn't fill out any paperwork to legally do so..

I don't regret much in life, but buying from this builder will be one.
I think someone already posted this a couple of months back..
But I thought it deserved another look at/ some more attention..

Delayed closing compensation up to a maximum of $7,500 is payable:

• If closing occurs on a date after the Firm Closing Date; or
• If you exercised your right to terminate the purchase agreement due to delay as permitted by the Addendum
(e.g. as per the Purchaser’s Termination Period). In this case you are also entitled to a full refund of all monies paid (i.e., deposits, extras and upgrades) plus interest.

Delayed closing compensation for living expenses (meals and accommodation) is payable based on a fixed amount of $150 a day for each day of delay until the Delayed Closing Date or the date that the purchase agreement is terminated. Receipts for living expenses are not required.

Compensation is also payable for costs incurred by you as a result of the delay (for example, additional moving and storage costs). Receipts for these costs must be provided.

In addition, if your builder fails to give you 10 days notice of a closing delay, you will be compensated in the amount of $1,500 ($150 x 10 days).
I'm kicking myself for having signed the agreement. I could have received compensation or better yet would had the possibility of breaking my agreement and leaving without fault.

All I can this now in this matter is good luck to us all with a speedy move in and that we don't get further screwed.

I'm curious to know as to why the city didn't give them approval for Dec 15th. What is it that caused this delay as clearly it has to be something major I would assume.
I've been going through the same as everyone ... delay, delay, delay, set PDI (Dec. 14 for Feb.1 occupancy), asked to sign the amendment, PDI delay. I've not signed the amendment, because by doing so, I would forfeit any right to compensation. After informing Rob Falus via email that I would not sign the amendment, he emailed me again and asked me to execute the amendment on my own. Uh, no Rob, I will NOT be doing that. I told him via email to contact my lawyer.

I called Tarion today, and they said that Phase I is under the grandfathered act, where we'd be able to claim a max of $5000, but the builder can ask for receipts for living expenses.

All I want to do is swear.

I take a little bit of solace in the fact that I am not alone. But, now what?
I totally understand all the frustration but at this point you MUST contact your lawyer in order to receive compensation. Trouble is, lawyers cost money. Having anticipated the perils of buying pre-construction I allowed myself maximum flexibility on my move-in date. Personally, last thing I want to do is involve my lawyer because it will cost money to get money. For those that were recently mislead it is fair to expect recourse but for those seeking compensation because they are tired of waiting for their unit to be built expect an expensive drawn out process.
So to answer the above question: now what? I will wait like I have done for the past couple years. There is light at the end of the tunnel. The building is starting to look great and I am excited to get in there soon (maybe...)
Ugh this sounds very frustrating. And I'm in the March timeline too so I am HOPING that they can keep to that schedule but am doubtful.

So those of you who had December occupancy dates, did any of you do the PDI? I haven't heard of anyone having done the PDI yet but read that some of you have scheduled the appointments.
You don't need to contact your lawyer to get compensation. That's between us and the builder. If the builder won't play ball, then you have the option to take it up with Tarion. Rob Seems willing to handle all compensation though, and he asked me to send him a letter detailing what costs I am incurring due to the delay. We are allowed up to 5K...but if your costs are less, you'll get less.

The building doesn't have power yet, so they have to get that going before they can make any more predictions about move-in dates.

For now...it's a waiting game.
The only problem with contacting any media outlets at this point, is it would probably slow down sales of phases 4 and future phases from the builder in the area and in turn lower our resale value

Yah, probably not the best thing to do at this point since the development of that area as a whole hinges so much on the remaining phases to be built...I would rather stay away from notifying the media.

I guess the good news at this point is that the building is up and going up further and fruther day by day. Moving in will only be a matter of time, but I do realize the disappointment of being turned down the very last minute.
At this point the waiting game continues...but can anyone tell me what the quality of this builder's projects is like? How are the brownstones or the foundry lofts? I've seen the pictures but was hoping someone who has been in them could let me know.
For those who didnt sign the letter sent by the builder about the new occupancy date where they asked to "waive and release the vendor from any claim ". Could you let me know how you guys proceeded? . I will be consulting with my lawyer about this clause, I just got a letter from the builder, I wont sign this agreement with that clause included. Thanks!!!
Ok so I spoke wil Rob today and basically the way They are going to compensate us/the people that didn't fill out the change of date form is by giving up a $5,000 credit when we close our unit.. So if your unit cost is $220,000 it will now be $215,000..
Still not crazy about that.. I rather have $5,000 in my hand now rather then a credit..

And BTW he/the builder is well aware of this form and they know we are all pretty pissed off..

:) PH1/211
Ok so I spoke wil Rob today and basically the way They are going to compensate us/the people that didn't fill out the change of date form is by giving up a $5,000 credit when we close our unit.. So if your unit cost is $220,000 it will now be $215,000..
Still not crazy about that.. I rather have $5,000 in my hand now rather then a credit..

And BTW he/the builder is well aware of this form and they know we are all pretty pissed off..

:) PH1/211

Humour me, how did the conversation come up about this forum??
