Hi everyone, Happy Holidays.

In response to mk2vr, yes, I was promised by Robert that I'd be moving in mid January, but when I went to the Sales Office last week and casually brought it up, they looked at me like I had two heads. They mentioned that occupancy for my floor is slated for first week of Feb!!
I've tried to be patient, but now I've just lost it. It might as well be March at this point.

What floor are you on?
That is not cool at all!!! I'm on 6 and they told me on the phone jan 15-20. If it's put off another couple of weeks into February that will cause some major issues for me.
for me, too. So, not sure who to believe: Falus told me Jan 15th, the office is saying first week of Feb. Maybe the Sales people are trying to be conservative in case there are issues. I'm trying to reach Robert in person to see what he says. Once the holidays are over, that would ostensibly leave under two weeks to organize a move if it is going to be Jan 15th - yet no confirmation at this point...
Paperwork still is Jan 15th on my end. It's just a wait and see kinda situation I guess. At least the condo continues to be built, so hopefully the developer will have some heart and not delay the incorporation of the building to gain more fees if its going to be ready for pretty much all of us at this point and time.
Paperwork still is Jan 15th on my end. It's just a wait and see kinda situation I guess. At least the condo continues to be built, so hopefully the developer will have some heart and not delay the incorporation of the building to gain more fees if its going to be ready for pretty much all of us at this point and time.

You got paperwork? I'm jealous. All I got was a call from Rob telling me it was going to be sometime between the 15th and 20th. I gotta say, I felt like more than a bit of an ass standing in front of my bank to confirm a mortgage and not having ANY kind of document wih an official move in date.
You got paperwork? I'm jealous. All I got was a call from Rob telling me it was going to be sometime between the 15th and 20th. I gotta say, I felt like more than a bit of an ass standing in front of my bank to confirm a mortgage and not having ANY kind of document wih an official move in date.

The paperwork I got was/is the amendment that I signed when I volunteered to delay my move in.
Have they called you to reschedule your PDI? That should be a good indication of how close they are to completion...
I'm far enough down their list they didn't even call me to schedule the original pdi, I get called about ten days after the first time sometime anything gets mentioned here on the board. Despite what I was told on the phone, I guess I should start looking for somewhere to live come Feb 1.
I'm on the 5th floor and was supposed to move in Jan 15th. Received another amendment asking to move it to mid Feb. Haven't received the signed copy from Rob, yet, though.

I live in the rental buildings right on site... and back in December I was talking to the construction crew and they asked when I was supposed to move in. I said "technically next week" and the look on their faces said everything. When I told them it had been moved to Jan. 15th they still said it was a long shot to be in by then. Not long after that convo was the request to move my date until Feb.
My PDI is scheduled for the 11th (next Friday) and I'm on the 2nd floor. From what they told me they were scheduling below ground, 1st floor and 2nd floor PDI's for Jan 9-11 and trying to move those folks in on or around the 15th. We'll see what pans out next week. I'm happy to report back once I've had it and if I'm able to snap some pics etc :) Happy New Year everyone -- looking forward to meeting all of you :)
My PDI is scheduled for the 11th (next Friday) and I'm on the 2nd floor. From what they told me they were scheduling below ground, 1st floor and 2nd floor PDI's for Jan 9-11 and trying to move those folks in on or around the 15th. We'll see what pans out next week. I'm happy to report back once I've had it and if I'm able to snap some pics etc :) Happy New Year everyone -- looking forward to meeting all of you :)

Ohhh exciting!!!! Actually starting to feel real.
Can't wait to see interior pics and let us know how the workmanship is like or anything to watch out for when we do our PDIs.
