I got the call today telling me to forget about my PDI for friday was canceled, and how did I feel about March? They did offer an occupancy date of Feb 25, but I suspect that was more to placate me than as a realistic date.

I'd like to ad to itchingtomove's list of things not to do:
3)Don't try and make me feel bad for you by complaining about having a job where everybody yells at you, while waiting until the last minute to add a 6 week delay on my PDI!!! Seriously.
Hey itching and chef, sorry to hear about issues. I feel you pain, honestly and truly I do. What floors are you guys on?

I did my PDI this past weekend. Went well other than some cosmetic issues such as dents, cracks, fillings that needed to be worked on. Some electrical issues arose as well, but overall, was good. A shame that not all appliances can be connected and working to make sure that they are indeed working.

Don't be shy and ask questions btw, doesn't matter how stupid you think they are.

Once we're all settled in and this place is finally all put together, I suggest we utilize our party room and through a big party.

PS: Has anyone heard about what compensation they are offering people with delays and such?
Hey itching and chef, sorry to hear about issues. I feel you pain, honestly and truly I do. What floors are you guys on?

I did my PDI this past weekend. Went well other than some cosmetic issues such as dents, cracks, fillings that needed to be worked on. Some electrical issues arose as well, but overall, was good. A shame that not all appliances can be connected and working to make sure that they are indeed working.

Don't be shy and ask questions btw, doesn't matter how stupid you think they are.

Once we're all settled in and this place is finally all put together, I suggest we utilize our party room and through a big party.

PS: Has anyone heard about what compensation they are offering people with delays and such?

What kind of electrical issues? Like just electric outlets not working or switches not working?

They better (*shakes fist*) stick to my March 12th date! I can't deal with my horrible commute anymore!
What kind of electrical issues? Like just electric outlets not working or switches not working?

They better (*shakes fist*) stick to my March 12th date! I can't deal with my horrible commute anymore!

what floor are u on? mines march 6th 10th floor
I'm sorry to tell you guys on the tenth floor, but I'm on six and they wanted to push me into mid-march.

I wonder if it's occurred to them yet that people might yell at them less if they gave out information further in advance instead of waiting until the last second. For instance, I find it hard to believe that they only realized 48 hours before my PDI that my unit needed 4 more weeks worth of work. Given that (the now departed) Rob had told me January 20 at the latest, I've given up my apartment for the end of February, and I'll be royally screwed if they delay me past the new date they've given me, Feb 25th.

Getting back to the more alarming question... can you elaborate on the electrical issues???
electrical issues will be unique to each unit. check the lights and switches if something is amiss simply remark it during inspection. no need to get worked up as any issues will be fixed by the workers on-site.
what floor are u on? mines march 6th 10th floor

I'm one above you, the 11th floor. I'm guessing then it was SUPPOSED to be a week per floor? Assuming Feb 25 week is floor 9.
Though I'd think that the higher you are, the less units there are (due to the design of the building) so you'd THINK it wouldn't be as big of an issue. It's not like the building is completely rectangle throughout all the floors.
electrical issues will be unique to each unit. check the lights and switches if something is amiss simply remark it during inspection. no need to get worked up as any issues will be fixed by the workers on-site.

If it's just light switches and outlets that's fine, that's easily fixed, as long as it's nothing more, that's why I was asking for clarification.
When testing the light and light switches, when I went to turn one of then on, there was a loud popping sound through the unit, the light switch stayed stuck in its position and when we went to check the fuse box, clearly something had tripped. We tried to reset and the fuse wouldn't reset. That was the issue I had. Hopefully it'll be all resolved when I take position and more so, hopefully no more surprises like that happen. The idea of potential wiring issues and electrical shorts does not appeal to me.

Anyone else has more info about anything or anything?
My PDI is tomorrow morning... and I keep looking at my phone every 10 minutes expecting a cancellation call.

Move-in date is Feb. 8th. Will it happen? Who knows. I'm just lucky I'm in the Standard Loft buildings and so I don't have to give 60 days notice. I'm not giving notice until keys are in hand and my stuff is out. I feel bad for those of you who are in a tight position because of having given notice to your rentals and now being delayed.

I see that someone has moved their stuff in to the unit. Based on what I read here they probably aren't occupying it though... if the city still hasn't signed off on occupancy (has it yet?).

I saw the heating systems and they look like the ones that I have in my current building. My building tells tenants that we don't pay heat or air... except the fan to blow the heat and air would run off of electricity - and so really then we do pay. I notice a difference in my current electricity bills in the summer because of the AC so if it is the same system I believe we are paying it... even if they claim it's covered by our maintanance fees.

I see someone asked about them - they aren't $0.26 a foot anymore. They are, last I heard, $0.36... that was the figure being used to estimate my interim occupancy payments and when I asked why the maintanance fee had increased I was told that it was due to having HST now. So it's HST on all the services that the building will pay and are covered by our fee. Not impressed that they've jumped $0.10 before even getting in... but I'm sure the next jump will be HUGE, because that's generally how it goes with condo fees.
My PDI is tomorrow morning... and I keep looking at my phone every 10 minutes expecting a cancellation call.

Move-in date is Feb. 8th. Will it happen? Who knows. I'm just lucky I'm in the Standard Loft buildings and so I don't have to give 60 days notice. I'm not giving notice until keys are in hand and my stuff is out. I feel bad for those of you who are in a tight position because of having given notice to your rentals and now being delayed.

I see that someone has moved their stuff in to the unit. Based on what I read here they probably aren't occupying it though... if the city still hasn't signed off on occupancy (has it yet?).

I saw the heating systems and they look like the ones that I have in my current building. My building tells tenants that we don't pay heat or air... except the fan to blow the heat and air would run off of electricity - and so really then we do pay. I notice a difference in my current electricity bills in the summer because of the AC so if it is the same system I believe we are paying it... even if they claim it's covered by our maintanance fees.

I see someone asked about them - they aren't $0.26 a foot anymore. They are, last I heard, $0.36... that was the figure being used to estimate my interim occupancy payments and when I asked why the maintanance fee had increased I was told that it was due to having HST now. So it's HST on all the services that the building will pay and are covered by our fee. Not impressed that they've jumped $0.10 before even getting in... but I'm sure the next jump will be HUGE, because that's generally how it goes with condo fees.

even if hst were added, isnt hst only 6 or 7 percent? 10cents on top of 26 cents is almost 30% increase... ask them that when you go in for ur pdi
even if hst were added, isnt hst only 6 or 7 percent? 10cents on top of 26 cents is almost 30% increase... ask them that when you go in for ur pdi

I asked them already.

I, too, initially thought they were saying it as HST on OUR personal fees. But it's not. Apparently it's the HST on the cost of the services for the entire building, then split per unit.
My PDI is tomorrow morning... and I keep looking at my phone every 10 minutes expecting a cancellation call.

Move-in date is Feb. 8th. Will it happen? Who knows. I'm just lucky I'm in the Standard Loft buildings and so I don't have to give 60 days notice. I'm not giving notice until keys are in hand and my stuff is out. I feel bad for those of you who are in a tight position because of having given notice to your rentals and now being delayed.

I see that someone has moved their stuff in to the unit. Based on what I read here they probably aren't occupying it though... if the city still hasn't signed off on occupancy (has it yet?).

I saw the heating systems and they look like the ones that I have in my current building. My building tells tenants that we don't pay heat or air... except the fan to blow the heat and air would run off of electricity - and so really then we do pay. I notice a difference in my current electricity bills in the summer because of the AC so if it is the same system I believe we are paying it... even if they claim it's covered by our maintanance fees.

I see someone asked about them - they aren't $0.26 a foot anymore. They are, last I heard, $0.36... that was the figure being used to estimate my interim occupancy payments and when I asked why the maintanance fee had increased I was told that it was due to having HST now. So it's HST on all the services that the building will pay and are covered by our fee. Not impressed that they've jumped $0.10 before even getting in... but I'm sure the next jump will be HUGE, because that's generally how it goes with condo fees.

@MED, I 'm curious about you saying you don't have to give 60 days notice...I'm in the Standard Loft too and was worried about running into problems over that. Is this a special exemption that they offered or something? I moved in less than a year ago and told them I would be moving to Upside Down and they didn't say anything to me about giving less notice.
Sangrael... by any chance are you in the Standard Lofts Facebook group? If so private message me (Michelle) through there and I'll give you more details about what I was told about notice.
