hey fellow upsidedowners

am moving in on the 21st of feb , ground floor unit - was pretty happy with the PDI and not many issues at all - took some pictures of my unit - the patio isnt ready - one thing i did want to ask if anyone has the answer - what's the frequency of the GO train - is it 3 or 4 times a day or very frequent
looking forward to hanging out at the patio and having some beers - happy move everyone View attachment 10138View attachment 10139

I live right along the tracks now and don't know how often it runs. I find that it's not noticeable at all compared to the freight train that runs along Dupont. That train is LOUD!

Would anyone be interested in making/joining a Facebook group for Phase 1 tenants to help meet other tenants/socialize, etc.? It may be a little more private to do intros and stuff there than on a public message board!?
Hello all,

So had my PDI today and I just love my unit and love the building.

Am so excited to finally get in.

Your were soooo right hkidd...... PDI guy is super super nice
I live right along the tracks now and don't know how often it runs. I find that it's not noticeable at all compared to the freight train that runs along Dupont. That train is LOUD!

Would anyone be interested in making/joining a Facebook group for Phase 1 tenants to help meet other tenants/socialize, etc.? It may be a little more private to do intros and stuff there than on a public message board!?

Eish, how often do freight trains run a day?

And we USED to have a group on Facebook, when it was called my electric city. I think then Facebook changed formats for groups so it went defunct. But yes, we should totally create one!
I live right along the tracks now and don't know how often it runs. I find that it's not noticeable at all compared to the freight train that runs along Dupont. That train is LOUD!

Would anyone be interested in making/joining a Facebook group for Phase 1 tenants to help meet other tenants/socialize, etc.? It may be a little more private to do intros and stuff there than on a public message board!?

That's great news about the train...I'm west facing and was marginally concerned about it...but then I thought about watching sunsets on my balcony with wine/beer and it made it all ok, haha.

I think a FB group is a great idea!
My move-in date is march 28th. When would be the appropriate time for PDI?
Can someone give me some advice, thx.

And does anyone know when phase 2 will be finishing?
Has anyone asked or been told when final closing would happen? I take it longer than 6 months from now since they asked for 6 post dated cheques.
Has anyone asked or been told when final closing would happen? I take it longer than 6 months from now since they asked for 6 post dated cheques.

So the Common Element Condominium process should take approx 9 months from the time the application has been submitted to the city, to final approval. That timing doesn't include registration of the condo, which is when we own it...however, that doesn't usually take much longer. This link is the developers guide to the Condo process, it's a document the city puts out for developers and the public and gives detailed info on the submission requirements and the timing/process etc. http://www.toronto.ca/developing-toronto/pdf/guide_sectionC.pdf#section_c

That being said, often times developers drag their feet with a) submitting an application, b) ensuring it is complete and c) going about the process in a timely manner...that is largely because the longer they wait to register, the more phantom rent they're making. Ultimately they want it registered so they can offload the costs onto the condo corp. They also can't complete the process until the building is substantially complete. I've got a call in with the city as to the status of their current applications and where they're at with the permits etc and if they've submitted their condo application yet. I'll let you all know when I hear something!
that's great emr; please keep us posted. Dee indicated (although I don't believe anyone anymore) that she believes it ought to take the 6 months (July, August?)...but we'll have to see. If all the details till now are any indication!

Please keep us posted with anything you see,

thanks very much
So, as of yesterday, most of the units from the ground floor to the 6th (inclusive) were allowed to be occupied. Hopefully they keep moving at a good pace to keep getting their permits. No Condominium application has been submitted yet. I also spoke with Lawrence Black at the sales office and he said he thought it wouldn't get registered till late summer/early fall...which I actually take to mean early winter. Let's hope I'm wrong!

A bit of a personal question which I dont expect you to share if you feel uncomforatble but can you shed some light onto these occupancy fees? How comparable is your occupancy fee relative to what you would be paying if you had the amount that you still owe on your apartment in the form of a mortgage? Just trying to get a sense of how much higher or how much lower thess occupany fee are compared to if I was taking out a mortgage? Is it close or does it seem to be higher than what we would pay if we took out a mortgage on the remainder of our outstanding $$ amount for your apartment?

Does the builder actually break down the cost for mainntenance, prop taxes, and the outstanding amount of your balance realtive to the cost your paid for your apartment? Or, were you just told to pay 'x' number of dollars without really any explanation as to how the numbers were calcualted?

My move-in date is march 28th. When would be the appropriate time for PDI?
Can someone give me some advice, thx.

And does anyone know when phase 2 will be finishing?

I'm in phase 2 6th floor.
As of right now my tentative occupancy is September 18 2013.
electrical issues will be unique to each unit. check the lights and switches if something is amiss simply remark it during inspection. no need to get worked up as any issues will be fixed by the workers on-site.

Each unit pays their own electricity.. depending on your size unit and how much you keep your lights on, bill shouldn't be that much..
