I'm one above you, the 11th floor. I'm guessing then it was SUPPOSED to be a week per floor? Assuming Feb 25 week is floor 9.
Though I'd think that the higher you are, the less units there are (due to the design of the building) so you'd THINK it wouldn't be as big of an issue. It's not like the building is completely rectangle throughout all the floors.

I'm also on the 11th, Ha. I was given my occ. date a few months back, March 11th now just heard from Jenna and looks like it got pushed back till end of March..
I'm also on the 11th, Ha. I was given my occ. date a few months back, March 11th now just heard from Jenna and looks like it got pushed back till end of March..

What?! Really? Is this now your 5th push back? My occupancy date was March 12 and it was my 4th delay, and I never signed the document they sent me for that.
So far, I haven't seen an email come through about another delay but I don't know whether they've called my home.
Hey everyone, so I created a page on FB.. hope you all will join. :)

Search facebook and it's there: Upside Down + Fuse Condo

What?! Really? Is this now your 5th push back? My occupancy date was March 12 and it was my 4th delay, and I never signed the document they sent me for that.
So far, I haven't seen an email come through about another delay but I don't know whether they've called my home.

Its weird, the occupancy letter I got in the mail said date March 12th but the same letter I got emailed to me said March 11th, which is the one I sent back signed.. I emailed today just to follow up to see if they received the signed copies and Jenna replied with the push back date.

Also, its actually just my first push back date, I bought my unit October last year..

A bit of a personal question which I dont expect you to share if you feel uncomforatble but can you shed some light onto these occupancy fees? How comparable is your occupancy fee relative to what you would be paying if you had the amount that you still owe on your apartment in the form of a mortgage? Just trying to get a sense of how much higher or how much lower thess occupany fee are compared to if I was taking out a mortgage? Is it close or does it seem to be higher than what we would pay if we took out a mortgage on the remainder of our outstanding $$ amount for your apartment?

Does the builder actually break down the cost for mainntenance, prop taxes, and the outstanding amount of your balance realtive to the cost your paid for your apartment? Or, were you just told to pay 'x' number of dollars without really any explanation as to how the numbers were calcualted?


When I asked the sales office to estimate my occupancy fees I was told that the fees are made up of 3 things:

- The Bank of Canada interest rate on the amount you currently owe (purchase price minus any downpayments/deposites). In the estimate they used 3%.

- Your condo fees

- And estimated property tax.

My lawyer just Emailed me the total I need to write cheques for. There was no breakdown, but maybe she has one?? The actual amount is slightly less than was originally estimated for me.

It's also very comparable to what my mortgage (NOT including condo fees) will be once I get it.
Hey everyone, so I created a page on FB.. hope you all will join. :)

Search facebook and it's there: Upside Down + Fuse Condo


We actually should make a Facebook group, not page, since groups are private and pages, anyone can see the contents. Make it similar to Davenport Village Residents' group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/davenportvillage/

And perhaps we should limit the group to just phase 1 people instead of all Upside Down + Fuse people?

I created a group if we want to go with it? https://www.facebook.com/groups/upsidedowncondos/
If anyone wants to be the admin and deal with that moderating stuff/accepting new members, just let me know. I don't necessarily want to be admin of the group or at least the only admin.
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Hi Everyone,

I did my PDI on tuesday and received my keys yesterday! Woo hoo!

Some surprises that I had:

-It is a Rogers ONLY building (sorry Bell customers)
-Your first month's occupancy fee is wrapped up into the final deposit (at least it was for me)
-They only required 6 pre-signed cheques for the occupancy fees (so I guess 7 if you count the first month)
-Mark was pretty awesome during the PDI. He was cool with all the questions and he seemed to know what he was talking about (he used to work on channington's building projects)
-We are not allowed to paint any of the walls until after we own the unit when the building closes
-In 3 years, my unit's size grew a lot in my head...remember that when you view yours...ha
-Finishes looked great except for the bathroom sinks...standard melamine but looks pretty cheap-o
-Locker is still not complete, but I expect it will be once the tenant parking garage is complete
-The hallway walls and floors are very incomplete (but I think that is standard for most new buildings)
-Don't expect all of your PDI issues to be resolved before you move in...they have 3 months to complete the list of things to fix/change/do

All in all, it was a very good experience. At this point there are only about 15 units occupied. Stay positive and as another contributor said, enjoy the experience.

We're on the 6th floor. Looking forward to meeting the neighbours!
I'm excited to get my keys next Friday... but nervous at the same time for the actual move, which my sis and I are doing ourselves. Couches can't be that heavy, right? Ha ha.

I sent a request to join the FB group. Looking forward to meeting people.
what about wallpaper

Hi Everyone,

I did my PDI on tuesday and received my keys yesterday! Woo hoo!

Some surprises that I had:

-It is a Rogers ONLY building (sorry Bell customers)
-Your first month's occupancy fee is wrapped up into the final deposit (at least it was for me)
-They only required 6 pre-signed cheques for the occupancy fees (so I guess 7 if you count the first month)
-Mark was pretty awesome during the PDI. He was cool with all the questions and he seemed to know what he was talking about (he used to work on channington's building projects)
-We are not allowed to paint any of the walls until after we own the unit when the building closes
-In 3 years, my unit's size grew a lot in my head...remember that when you view yours...ha
-Finishes looked great except for the bathroom sinks...standard melamine but looks pretty cheap-o
-Locker is still not complete, but I expect it will be once the tenant parking garage is complete
-The hallway walls and floors are very incomplete (but I think that is standard for most new buildings)
-Don't expect all of your PDI issues to be resolved before you move in...they have 3 months to complete the list of things to fix/change/do

All in all, it was a very good experience. At this point there are only about 15 units occupied. Stay positive and as another contributor said, enjoy the experience.

We're on the 6th floor. Looking forward to meeting the neighbours!
No wallpaper in the hallways yet. Bare walls and markings only :)

While coming back (to my rental) from getting groceries I saw one of the sales office staff. He told me to go check out the 1st and 2nd floor - wallpaper is now up in those halls :)
