Did a Alexa search for our site ranking. Urbantoronto.ca has a traffic rank of 745,508. I guess it will be a while before yahoo.com (ranking number 1) starts worrying about us.
Here's something more interesting.
Urbantoronto.ca users come from these countries:
Canada 84.4%
United States 6.7%
Australia 4.4%
Serbia and Montenegro 2.2%
India 2.2%
Urbantoronto.ca traffic rank in other countries:
Canada 19,512
Australia 114,315
Serbia and Montenegro 280,832
India 679,237
United States 1,158,259
Who here is from Australia, Serbia and Montenegro or India?
Here's something more interesting.
Urbantoronto.ca users come from these countries:
Canada 84.4%
United States 6.7%
Australia 4.4%
Serbia and Montenegro 2.2%
India 2.2%
Urbantoronto.ca traffic rank in other countries:
Canada 19,512
Australia 114,315
Serbia and Montenegro 280,832
India 679,237
United States 1,158,259
Who here is from Australia, Serbia and Montenegro or India?