I happened to drive past Davies station at around midnight a few Sundays ago, not a single other car on 75 Street as far as I could see. The station was all lit up, and no one was around. Foolishly I didn't stop to grab a photo, but it was really very pretty, and a bit surreal. Who else is gonna be riding the Valley Line on day one?
I happened to drive past Davies station at around midnight a few Sundays ago, not a single other car on 75 Street as far as I could see. The station was all lit up, and no one was around. Foolishly I didn't stop to grab a photo, but it was really very pretty, and a bit surreal. Who else is gonna be riding the Valley Line on day one?
I'm hoping to meet some people in Edmonton from the RMTransit Discord server on opening day.
I happened to drive past Davies station at around midnight a few Sundays ago, not a single other car on 75 Street as far as I could see. The station was all lit up, and no one was around. Foolishly I didn't stop to grab a photo, but it was really very pretty, and a bit surreal. Who else is gonna be riding the Valley Line on day one?
The station actually looks quite impressive especially in the nighttime pictures I have seen. We often are critical of some local architecture and design, but this one looks good.
Did they clean up underneath the Whitemud overpass at 66? Did move remove the temporary barricades and install new permanent concrete? New pavement I’m sure was needed as well…..I have a feeling sweet f all was done
May the Tawatina Bridge MUP be even better than the Menzies LRT bridge (shown below)

Even from the photographer's angle, it seems like the tops of the doors are visible. From pictures of the LRVS, the tops of the windows are aligned with the doors so from the train, I'm sure the field of view will be decent. At worst, you have to stand to get a good view (definitely not ideal, but that's the worst it would be). But we'll know by opening day. Regardless, the views from the cab, Davies Station and Tawatina Bridge will be amazing.
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