Developer: City of Edmonton, TransEd Partners
Address: Stony Plain Rd, 149th street, Edmonton, Canada
Category: Transit
Status: ConstructionCrane(s): 0
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: ? storeys
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Some observations in Millwoods tonight:
  • I saw a train running! Passed a train coming down the hill towards 34 Ave on my way home
  • Digital message boards now rotate between Trains Running/No Right Turn on Red/Obey Traffic Signals
  • Additional lines painted on the far side of the tracks for east bound traffic (34 Ave and 38 Ave for sure). There is a thick line next to the tracks and another thick line next to the NB travel lane and then two smaller lines making an X between them. Maybe this visual will help people realize what is going on? I'm not holding out hope though.
In theory and based on many other places around the world that build transit that spurs development, I would absolutely think so.

That being said, this is Edmonton and that doesnt always happen. I have heard of no plans (that doesnt mean there arent any but in my development circle I havent heard of any) for Aldritt to develop those fenced plots at 104 and 124st, those old walkups at that intersection probably arent going anywhere because a lot of them are owned by Mainstreet which is a slumlor.....err I mean a REIT. Further down at Jasper Gates there are plans to redevelop the now FreshCo but last I heard those plans have been shelved for a 10+ year term.

So in theory, yes this area is absolutely primed. Like many things in Edmonton, there is a ton of potential in this area but that potential needs to be turned into something kinetic.
There are lots of lots directly north of 104th ave along 124th that are prime for development, but yeah land speculation is definitely holding them back at the moment. Aldritt gets lots of goodwill for having the "nicest" undeveloped lots among Edmonton developers, but it's been a decade I think it's time they build something or sell it to someone who actually intends to.
as a subcontractor, they won’t get paid until transed does and at some point it becomes in transed’s interest to put more pressure on wpe - and potentially even additional cash - to accelerate rather than delaying that completion and potentially being held liable for that delay. money and liability costs are the prime motivators and at this stage everyone should be aligned…
TransEd hasn’t been paid by the City since 2016 when they were given half of the agreed upon project cost upfront. We don’t know the details of their subcontractor agreement and TransEd
There are lots of lots directly north of 104th ave along 124th that are prime for development, but yeah land speculation is definitely holding them back at the moment. Aldritt gets lots of goodwill for having the "nicest" undeveloped lots among Edmonton developers, but it's been a decade I think it's time they build something or sell it to someone who actually intends to.
Hey now, they build signs every four years. 🙃

I've been a lot happier since I stopped worrying about when the Valley Line will open; concrete barriers at the top of Connors blocking the tracks right now.
TransEd hasn’t been paid by the City since 2016 when they were given half of the agreed upon project cost upfront. We don’t know the details of their subcontractor agreement and TransEd
Not according to:
They should be getting monthly payments seemingly based upon project completion, which, has been somewhat stagnant for the last year or so. I can only imagine their payments have stagnated as well.
Wouldn't be much of a P3 if the City paid for construction costs up front. Part of the concept behind a P3 is that financing and associated risk is transfered to the private sector.
There are all kinds of minor concrete projects going on around the LRT. It also looks like there is no cable installation taking place south of Bonnie Doon (is it complete?).
