I think it's preparation work by EPCOR which started in 2020. Utilities in some areas must be relocated to make way for the eventual LRT infrastructure.
This is definitely work that EPCOR is doing to relocate utilities specifically for the valley line project. I live right beside Brewery District And the work has been going on for most of 2020 all down 104 Ave and Stoney Plain road. EPCOR has a specific page for VLW work which you can find here:


The work that @Platinum107 posted is a water main relocation in work area 3 under the zone C print notice PDF shown below (this work area is for some reason shown as zone D on the interactive map on the home page and "Impacts to You page"):

https://www.epcor.com/products-services/infrastructure/construction-projects/valley-line-west-lrt-projects/Documents/Zone C - June 2020 - VLW_LRT_Stonyplainroad_EWSI_Notice_June-2020-Final-Electronic.pdf
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Oof. I dont know about this... I feel like we should have more architectural focus or modern art vs Cabelas inspired stuff.
Oof. I dont know about this... I feel like we should have more architectural focus or modern art vs Cabelas inspired stuff.
I gotta speak up for Paul Freeman, his work has a much better vibe than 'Cabela's'. Here's a bad photo of one of his works from this summer. He has a penchant for bright colour and iridescent paint, and those poor deer wind up in positions much more contorted than what's shown here lol

I can't speak to every artist involved, but the couple local people I know are doing most, if not all, the work themselves; by hand. A lot of the renderings/presentation materials, on top of being a couple years old (I'm betting some of the photos are from their bid packages) are done using simple photoshop tricks, like copy and pasting photos of existing sculptures in over a render of the stop to demonstrate where the new work will go. Some of the photos we members of the public have of the art are maquettes taken in front of backdrops, like the way clamation gets filmed, old-school stuff. I do know that things like colours and exact forms are evolving as the actual works get made, the artists have to work with Transed throughout the entire process to ensure the work is suitable/meets-exceeds expectations set by the bid package. there's gonna be some differences between these initial photos and what we actually get on the line.
I mean, it's art, any opinion is better than no opinion, even if you aren't a fan of the work. If it gets people talking that's the most important part!
Oof. I dont know about this... I feel like we should have more architectural focus or modern art vs Cabelas inspired stuff.
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This is objectively not only the best art on the Valley Line, but in Edmonton as well. I wish these deer well on their commute.
That is actually really cool, and surprisingly lots for a station that's just right in the middle of that neighborhood there (although with the redevelopment right beside it I can see why). About the deer, I like the idea of how it'll look, with them all being life-sized just chilling on the top of the station haha

@archited u need to chill buddy, I took a 5-day break from this website and that`s one of the first things I see! 😂
I soooooo can't wait for summer to come, can't wait to start biking again, and can't wait for ride this train already!! I'll honestly buy a bus pass just so I can use this train to get to bike trails on the south side lol
