Developer: City of Edmonton, TransEd Partners
Address: Stony Plain Rd, 149th street, Edmonton, Canada
Category: Transit
Status: ConstructionCrane(s): 0
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: ? storeys
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What a joke.

I'm glad the contract is built so the city isn't paying costs and trans ed gets hit with penalties, but still. The indirect costs are massive. Tens of thousands of workers and students are waiting to use this line.

Blame the supply chain, covid, labor, I dont care. I'm tired of this. Its a joke. Especially the never ending broken promises. Say a date and get it done. They're sure bad at math for being engineers...
It is meant to differentiate the size of the destination; stops are more akin to bus stops than to stations so there is a tangible difference. What I don't get is why they just didn't roll Churchill 'stop' under the station banner, since they're meant to connect the lines anyway. With the connector there, I don't think they need to consider these as two distinct entities.
It's not so much the size of the destination as it is the size of the passenger facility. The vast majority of the passenger facilities are at street level and integrated with the surrounding pedestrian environment and have therefore been designated as "stops".
The 3 elevated facilities are all called "stations" on account of being much larger pieces of infrastructure. In the case of Davies and WEM Stations they both interface with major bus transfer points, and Davies will have a park and ride lot.
Misericordia Station will be a lower volume destination on the Valley Line, but, because it is elevated it is called a "station". On the VLSE, the Grey Nuns stop, although not as close to the hospital it services as the Misericordia Station, only rates as "stop" solely because it a simple surface stop.
Likewise, Mill Woods and Lewis Farms both service major transit centres, and a park and ride at Lewis Farms, and a terminus facilities, yet both are just "stops".
I disagree with this naming convention. It comes out of this whole "urban LRT" term that the City started using in the late 2000's. Just call them all "stations", although, I could live with community facilities that largely just serve the local neighborhood being called "stops" but facilities serving larger trip generators, terminuses, and major transfer (bus or LRT) facilities should be called "stations".
It's not so much the size of the destination as it is the size of the passenger facility.
Poor wording on my part – by destination I meant the stations and stops themselves rather than any landmarks they're near.
It's not so much the size of the destination as it is the size of the passenger facility. The vast majority of the passenger facilities are at street level and integrated with the surrounding pedestrian environment and have therefore been designated as "stops".
The 3 elevated facilities are all called "stations" on account of being much larger pieces of infrastructure. In the case of Davies and WEM Stations they both interface with major bus transfer points, and Davies will have a park and ride lot.
Misericordia Station will be a lower volume destination on the Valley Line, but, because it is elevated it is called a "station". On the VLSE, the Grey Nuns stop, although not as close to the hospital it services as the Misericordia Station, only rates as "stop" solely because it a simple surface stop.
Likewise, Mill Woods and Lewis Farms both service major transit centres, and a park and ride at Lewis Farms, and a terminus facilities, yet both are just "stops".
I disagree with this naming convention. It comes out of this whole "urban LRT" term that the City started using in the late 2000's. Just call them all "stations", although, I could live with community facilities that largely just serve the local neighborhood being called "stops" but facilities serving larger trip generators, terminuses, and major transfer (bus or LRT) facilities should be called "stations".
While I understand the distinction between larger and smaller, I really have issues with the term stop. There is an argument to defend a bureaucratic decision, but I think it missed the larger issue which is it confuses things for everyone else.
Good news on the bridge, via the Riverdale Community League! December 12 at 2pm!View attachment 366736
That's great news! I wonder if it'll informally open before then, or if the 12th will be the first day of public use.
Bizarre that the City is treating Churchill Stop (on the Valley line) as a separate "station" from Churchill LRT station on the Metro/Capital lines. Why wouldn't you just integrate the two, isn't that the purpose of the connector building? It is all one big interchange station, not a station with a stop on top.
