They are working on those wires.
I expect LED strips along the ledges on both the Smithe and Cambie sides.
I think the podium also has LED strips between some of the cladding slats.
They installed some sort of fixtures on the Cambie side.
Could be a base for a longer fixture or a spotlight shining across (doubt it would shine up)?
Note that the bottom one is out of line.
The spotlights were on last night.
They're pretty subtle, so not likely to annoy people unless one faces across into someone's windows.
Curious whether they will colour change to stand out from the lit interior lights.
... plus that whole amenity deck ceiling lights up.
I think there are also light strips on the podium siding.
More balcony glass has been installed at the penthouses.
Looks fairly jumbled up there with too much going on.
It may have been cleaner just to see the slab edges at all of the balconies.