mcminsen;7181809 said:
Sept.29 '15, my pics




By Yellow Fever posted Sept 30th:

Yellow Fever;127475691 said:

Yellow Fever;127475699 said:

Yellow Fever;127475712 said:

Yellow Fever;127475719 said:
Looks like the hoarding has come down at grade - nice shots from Yellow Fever of the ground plane (front and back) posted yesterday.

Too bad the addition to the FortisBC Building has light walls behind the glass (light spandrel).

Yellow Fever;128105567 said:

Yellow Fever;128105576 said:

Yellow Fever;128105591 said:

Yellow Fever;128105599 said:

Yellow Fever;128105608 said:
Podium shots from SSP.
The adjacent office tower is also owned by the same developer,
which has built conference facilities for the hotel on the roof of the adjacent building's podium.

mcminsen;7247703 said:
Here are some pics from today of the front of the podium on Georgia Street.

Nov.24 '15, my pics

