I doubt that he would suggest the name change now since Mr. President Trump isn't a guy who would easily forget and forgive.

I'm sure MCM might want out but Trump's lawyers would have something else to say about it.
Thats right, Mr. Trump could sue for billions for the break of contracts.

Probably not billions but a lot more than I have that's for sure :)
Well word on the street is they (holborn) wanted to renegotiate the terms of the deal and stopped paying them but thats just water cooler talk. However, I have seen walk through pics and they are pretty bad. cracks in slabs and wrong non gloss tiles in random spots. They not suing because of trump. Joo Kim will make $$$ due to Trump being President. There is certain type of person who will relish in the Trump Tower experience and since he is now Prez they will come in droves.
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