This area has appreciated (as all RE in Toronto has) over the last several years, but lags behind almost every other area downtown and that won't change anytime soon. As location, location, location goes the mantra, this just doesn't have it - it seems to, but upon a closer inspection it doesn't. As pointed out above, you pretty much still need a car as the public transport options are abysmal, there are no close grocery stores, restaurants/bars, or cool coffee shops (and Tim Hortons in an Esso doesn't count:).

Even the Tip Top Lofts appreciates far more slowly than if it was in another neighbourhood. As an example, I looked at TTL back in 2003 and a 1 bedroom 600 sq foot condo would have cost around $220 000. Now, that same unit will sell for approximately $290 000. The unit I did buy, was at DNA and was the equivalent size (630ft). I bought it for $193 000 and now would sell for about $315 000. So while they both appreciated, the DNA went up in value 63%, but the TTL only 32%. Built and occupied at almost the exact same time and there are lots of other examples across Liberty Village, St. Lawrence Market, Queen West, the financial district, etc. vs. this area.
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My friend is renting at waterpark city right now. There's the odd idiot throwing a party in the middle of the week or doing reno's at 5am or 11pm (thanks to the stupid home reno credit).

A quick call to security usually takes care of it. Although, there are some ignorant residents there that ignore the security and just crank the music back up.

Most of the noise will come from the people living above you.
Any feedback on the appreciation in the area? WPC and Neptune?

I have heard that some areas do not have as much appeciation as others in downtown area.

I'm not seeing much for waterparkcity, but I'm also not seeing anyone lose their shirts, or lose significantly. Very neutral. The condo at the corner of bathurst also holding steady after a bit of a drop-off earlier.

Anything with a pool has good appreciation downtown. Everyone loves pools. Most lofts are lousy for appreciation because they lack amenities. Those townhomes at north of queen on bathurst by the projects are crap too. No one wants to live near the projects.

Everything else seems to be doing quite alright. Liberty village steadily increasing which baffles me. I think the area is way overpriced now, especially the terrible townhome condos.

Check out my VR Tours of Condos
especially the terrible townhome condos.

Can you elaborate on this? Are you talking about 22-50 Western Battery Rd and 46-54 East Liberty St ? Can you give some examples on what are terrible about them? What should I be looking for in this area (Strachan). I love this area but not King and Dufferin (Joe Shuster/Laidlaw etc)

Does anyone know what the number is for customer care for these buildings? I have yet to be called for Color/upgrade selections and the unit is apparently closing in October!!!!

So you think the condo market is gonna crash hard in Toronto?

4 April 2010: From Queen and Niagara:

I think you are asking the wrong person ~

Ok...was just looking at UrbanDreamer's footer: "5 Feb 10 condo market prediction: the $INDU & $TSX are crashing towards a double bottom, here comes T.O's condo market next!"

So just thought I'd ask his/her opinion....
Why the heck would anyone one want to rent a condo here? coffee shops, restaurants, GROCERY stores....what do people do then? drive ????

This is important: do you have a car or plan to drive around on a regular basis?

As a downtowner relying primarily on public transportation, walking, and cycling, living at WaterparkCity is not ideal. Infrastructure in the area is completely lacking. There are no supermarkets close by. Few services, and the TTC service is abysmal. People say, "they are building the LRT" and "TTC service will improve" are repeating wishful thinking. My friend lived in the area for 20 years, and I've spoken to many area residents along the queens quay corridor and public transit is very slow to improve and so far hasn't despite the 10 fold increase in density along the union-exhibition line. The loblaws proposed at the corner of bathurst is also an old tale.

Build quality is good. As others have mentioned, fewer renters meant fewer problems. The demographic is more mature than Cityplace. Amenities are also quite nice.

Don't buy resale. Plenty of unsold, brand new units, and for less! Just go to the sales office. The people staffed at the sales centre are even amazed how few people check the office first, before looking at the resales. Buyers just assumed nothing was left and bought resale. Use Anthony Rapallo, and he'll give you 2% cashback too. Of course, if you find that right unit in resale, that's a different story, but check the sales office first. Last time I was there, they had a unit going for less than what the same unit on a lower floor, sold for just days before, and to add insult, the unit from the developer was upgraded. Who knows. Maybe it was an Oklahoma scam.
I understand that the occupancies of Neptune 2 are going very well.

Just wondering if someone had any issues at PDI or occupancy (neptune 1 or 2) that one should be aware of.

Greetings from 215 Fort York! I've been living here for about 2 years now and I'm an owner (not a renter). Pretty happy living on the 38th floor. No complaints other than a stupid barking dog next door that I only hear through my hallway door (not through the walls). Elevators had some issues for a while.Someone keeps breaking the shower in the men's room pool area. Security seems fine. No leaks though paint is peeling a bit on the top floor.

I loved looking at the photos under construction but some of them are offline now. Does anyone have a brochure of this building that real estate agents used to try and sell it?

Does anyone have photos of what was here before?
