The city housing department is very attentive to the rights and plight of residents. That said, it is interesting that Aspen stated that there were not 'six or more dwelling units' here, thus relieving them of an S.111 application. We're certainly not getting the full story here.
I have my doubts the tenants did not receive proper notice. I've seen it too many times where developers have done what is required and the tenants just refuse to leave. I don't have the time or interest to delve deeper into this situation..It just doesn't make sense The media is always available for the plight of bleeding hearts too.

If they've done nothing wrong and followed all the legal processes then why not respond to requests and calls from the media?

If nothing to hide they should be eager to clarify that. For sure they have done something wrong because they didn't get back to explain themselves as the video stated
If they've done nothing wrong and followed all the legal processes then why not respond to requests and calls from the media?

If nothing to hide they should be eager to clarify that. For sure they have done something wrong because they didn't get back to explain themselves as the video stated
It's called pleading the 5th. In a case like this from a PR perspective it can often be better to say nothing at all than go on and try to defend your record. Defending often just gives your opponents more ammunition in the court of law, which is exactly where this eviction process is likely sitting right now.
If they've done nothing wrong and followed all the legal processes then why not respond to requests and calls from the media?

If nothing to hide they should be eager to clarify that. For sure they have done something wrong because they didn't get back to explain themselves as the video stated

I hinted at this when I said the media loves a bleeding heart story. It's not an admission of guilt to ignore calls from the media. The media is less and less about reporting news and more and more about appealing to their "constituents".

It's a horrible situation for renters and for some they will do whatever they can to protect their established homes and businesses. Developers will flirt with the line doing the bare minimum but, it doesn't make any sense for them to cross it. You can't get away with it in Toronto.
People I know in the building were told of non-renewal / termination of their leases a year ago plus. Many moved out last summer. A large contingent moved out in the spring, after the mock funeral one weekend, with a coffin paraded around the streets in the area.

The building to my knowledge is, was, and always has been a commercial structure - not a residential. That is not to say there were not people living there. The building did have a reputation in the community of being a bit of a squat. Individuals setting up residential camp in a commercial space does not legally turn the building into a residential one, subject to all the City's stipulations regarding official residential buildings, including requirements for replacement housing.

My suspicion is that any remaining 'residents' - if there are indeed any, and this was not a dated report - are economic refugees, with no other comparable affordable alternative in such an equivalent convenient location - not ones who are the innocent victims of a legal transgression by the developer.
Coffin Factory - West Condos Updates.

Interior demolition activities are continuing. In the parking lot to the south of the main building, multiple demolition scrap containers are on site - an empty one just having been delivered. The metal recycling bin is completely full - somewhat surprised it was not taken away by the Orin bin delivery and pick up truck, which left the site empty.

In the front, a demolition worker in a hard hat can be seen through a window. Lots of demolition related banging could be heard on the Niagara sidewalk.

Signs of life - the fourth of the six photos shows a room with the lighting active, and an air conditioner running. The door in the fifth photo is the only one in the building which has not been boarded up. And the last photo is a close-up of the sign stuck to the bottom of said door.






Site Plan submitted Dec 2017, still under review - process is usually 12 months from submission of final supporting documentation or responses to city questions, so there must have been some back-and-forth.

Only permits issued to date have been Demolition - to demolish existing 2 storey commercial units (portions) at the rear of the existing building - and Partial Permit - Shoring. Existing units are not being planned for demolition anyways, but will be renovated and likely turned into townhouses as Phase II.

So any project delays so far likely more due to permit delays than squatters of commercial units trying to keep a good deal going for a bit longer and trying to get media sympathy.
Site plan resubmission; new docs uploaded:

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I spoke with one of the old residents of the building today. Apparently they won in court today. I'm not sure what that means, but apparently they are now considered residential tenants with rights. There is more to the story. Apparently there were people living there for over 30 years paying rent to a slumlord who made millions over the years from residential tenants under a commercial lease. He got the permits and sold it to Aspen Ridge Homes. Aspen Ridge refused to pay the tenants 3 months rent and served forged fake documents that were made to look like official Landlord and Tenant board forms in order not to compensate people and provide them with a unit after renovations. Forging official documents can mean jail time. These are not squatters. They are residents that have been living there, calling this place their homes for over 30 years and the owners profited from their backs. If the law says you must compensate them 3 months rent and offer them a unit to move back when it's renovated, that is the law, and you have to follow the law. You cannot argue with it. It seems like there is gross negligence from the developers part and as a result of it, the construction is at a halt until the developers settle with the residents.
Thanks for the investigation work there @jacqueline67!

It is concerning indeed RE: Aspen Ridge business practices...I mean can you imagine how they handle your customer service issues if they have the nerve to "Aspen Ridge refused to pay the tenants 3 months rent and served forged fake documents "

Alterations to Heritage Properties at 89 - 109 Niagara Street and Authority to Amend the Existing Heritage Easement Agreement at 89- 109 Niagara Street

City Council adopted this item on December 17, 2019 without amendments and without debate.

So it looks like changes to heritage preservation plan have been holding up the Site Plan Approval?
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1st Post/Reply :)

Curious if ASPEN will start digging for the south towers Spring 2020 or market and sell Historic Lofts First ?
This project needs to get going......It's been Selling since late 2017
