Some of our greatest stories get their start on the Forum, and these threads and photo updates are a great place to dive in.

Our Calgary Forumers are excited for the roster of projects set to start construction this year, which could include City Centre II, a hotel and office project that would join the first 36-storey tower in the complex.

Our Edmonton contingent is tackling the cost of commuting by discussing the merit of toll roads and distance-based transit fares. 

Multiple residential towers in Seoul's Geumcheongu Lotte Gold Park project are popping up, as seen in photos by inno4321

Geumcheongu Lotte Gold Park, Seoul, Forum Finds, inno4321Geumcheongu Lotte Gold Park construction, image by Forum contributor inno4321

Photos captured by towerpower123 show site preparation at New York City's Domino Sugar Refinery in anticipation of a major multi-tower redevelopment. 

Site preparation at Domino Sugar Refinery, towerpower123, New York, Forum FindsSite preparation at the Domino Sugar Refinery, image by Forum contributor towerpower123

Finally, the curved floor plates of 171 North Halsted in Chicago are nearly sealed with glass as demonstrated in images taken by harryc

171 North Halsted, Chicago, Forum Finds, harryc171 North Halsted, image by Forum contributor harryc

Come back next week for another recap of the Forum's latest news and views. Until then, submit your photos and get involved in the discussion!

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