Some of our greatest stories get their start on the Forum, and these threads and photo updates are a great place to dive in.
Forum contributor Daveography shared a shot he took of the Edmonton skyline, with some cranes poking above the existing stock of buildings.
Edmonton skyline, image via Forum contributor Daveography
N3 is beginning to make an impact in Calgary as evidenced in photos by Beltline Bobby.
N3 under construction in Calgary, image by Forum contributor Beltline Bobby
The crane base for Drummond Condominiums in Montreal has been installed according to photos by skahhigh.
Drummond Condominiums construction in Montreal, image by Forum contributor skahhigh
PhillipPessar captured the podium of a recently-completed building within the landmark Brickell City Centre project in Miami.
Brickell City Centre in Miami, image by Forum contributor PhillipPessar
In Seoul, inno4321 created a thread for major infrastructure projects, including the sprawling highway depicted below.
Gangnam BELT Highway in Seoul, image by Forum contributor inno4321
Come back next week for another recap of the Forum's latest news and views. Until then, submit your photos and get involved in the discussion!
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