Some of our greatest stories get their start on the Forum, and these threads and photo updates are a great place to dive in.

Edmonton seems to be perpetually under construction, which is causing some headaches for pedestrians who are finding it difficult to navigate sidewalks through the City's barricades and signage. News posted by Daveography indicates that Mayor Don Iveson is looking for an explanation of the practice and possible mitigation measures that could improve pedestrian traffic flow.

1215 is the latest residential addition to the Beltline in Calgary and Surrealplaces has photos showing its completed state.

1215 in Calgary, Forum Finds, Surrealplaces1215 in Calgary, image by Forum contributor Surrealplaces

The mangled mess of the old Jubilee House in Vancouver was captured by VANCITYHOTSHOTS. It's a necessary step in the construction of the 35-storey 8X On The Park.

Demolition for Vancouver's 8X On The Park, Forum Finds, VANCITYHOTSHOTSDemolition making way for Vancouver's 8X On The Park, image by Forum contributor VANCITYHOTSHOTS

A group of images by towerpower123 shows off the exterior of the Peter Poon-designed residential and hotel tower at 219 East 44th Street in New York City.

219 East 44th Street in New York City, Forum Finds, towerpower123219 East 44th Street in New York City, image by Forum contributor towerpower123

Finally, retailers at Miami's Brickell City Centre are gradually opening up as evidenced in images by PhillipPessar.

Inside Brickell City Centre, Forum Finds, PhillipPessarInside Brickell City Centre, image by Forum contributor PhillipPessar

Come back next week for another recap of the Forum's latest news and views. Until then, submit your photos and get involved in the discussion!

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