Developer Mark Rubin is planning to transform the corner of 4th and Callowhill Streets in Philadelphia with a 26- and 23-storey residential scheme of 454 units. Located within the East Callowhill Overlay, which encourages height in exchange for public benefits, the development promises mixed income housing, retail, public art, and open spaces as key community amenities.

Rendering of 4th and Callowhill, image via Cecil Baker + Partners

Access to the two towers would be provided through a landscaped courtyard and entrances along 4th Street and Willow Street, which will feature a stretch of 'rain gardens.' A new park on the northeast corner would help boost the neighbourhood's roster of green spaces. The visual impact of the parking garage, proposed in between the two towers, would be mitigated by retail on the west side, a water feature and green wall on the north side, and a green roof up top. The facade of the garage also follows the material aesthetic established on the towers themselves, which incorporates dark grey precast wall panels and reflective glass. 

The towers will flank the parking garage, image via Cecil Baker + Partners

The north and south elevations of the Cecil Baker + Partners-designed development appear slender, while the bulkiness of the alternate facades are remedied by punched openings in the form of recessed glass. On the balconies, warm wood accents and frosted glass guardrails add a sense of rhythm to the exterior. 

An amenity space caps the parking garage, image via Cecil Baker + Partners

The project is seen as an opportunity to connect the Old City and Northern Liberties neighbourhoods that border the Delaware River. The proposal fits within the zoning established for the site, though its scale will need to be assessed by Civic Design Review ahead of the issuance of permits. 

Building entrances are accessible through a courtyard, image via Cecil Baker + Partners

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