Three weeks since our last update, and progress at the site of the Robert A.M. Stern-designed One Bennett Park has been moving along well, Chicago's newest Art Deco tower soon to become a brilliant addition to the downtown skyline. At 70 storeys, the 800-foot luxury residential high-rise will be sure to make a statement, its Deco details ensuring the project a well-deserved place among the city's world renowned architecture. 

One Bennett Park, Art Deco massing and cladding, image by Forum contributor harryc

Viewed above, the top of the tower's stepped, rectilinear tapering fits well with the Art Deco design of the project, its precast concrete cladding evoking the building traditions of the 1920s and 30s. 

Window detail, metal, stone, and glass, image by Forum contributor harryc

Seen in close-up, the precast has been brought to life with careful detail work, thereby giving the impression of granite or marble. Accented by metal-clad, mullioned windows, the Art Deco touches work well together, adding a significant amount of visual interest to the tower's exterior. 

One Bennett Park, tower nearing completion, image by Forum contributor harryc

Soon to be home to a mix of 269 rental apartments, and 69 condos, One Bennett Park will meet the street with a new two-acre urban park designed by Michael Van Valkenburgh of Brooklyn Bridge Park fame. Once complete, One Bennett Park will be a fine addition to the skyline, its Art Deco details to blend nicely with its surroundings. 

SkyriseCities will be sure to return to this project as progress continues. For more information, check out the associated Database file and Forum thread, and as always, feel free to join the conversation in the comments section below.