yea, this is after I even mentioned it to @MetroMan last time...

@MetroMan and other pet owners...thought this was appropriate since park maintenance is being discussed.

From the Friends of Berczy Park website:

The fountain is NOT a splash pad, swimming or bathing place for pets: Pet hair, dirt and soap suds will damage the fountain mechanisms and lead to costly repairs. Please keep your dog out of the fountain and inform others if their dogs enter the waters.
yea, this is after I even mentioned it to @MetroMan last time...

Though MetroMan should know better, it is certainly not clear to others so maybe some signage should be put up? Also, the gravel area below the mural was supposed to be a 'dog area' - it has 'pee drainage' etc. Again, there is no signage telling people this is what this area is for - I hate unnecessary signs but .....
Though MetroMan should know better, it is certainly not clear to others so maybe some signage should be put up? Also, the gravel area below the mural was supposed to be a 'dog area' - it has 'pee drainage' etc. Again, there is no signage telling people this is what this area is for - I hate unnecessary signs but .....

Unfortunately nobody read regular signage - it will just add to the clutter. Perhaps they need a cute, custom designed cutout to indicate where the pet area is. Worst comes to worst maybe a repellent can be added to the fountain water - the drinking ditch is on a separate circuit but wind splash may affect that, and it is a very heavy handed approach.

Not only is allowing dogs in the fountain bad for the fountain itself, but its also terrible for dogs.

CityPlace's beaver dam was notorious for Giardia outbreaks because dog owners weren't keeping their dogs out of it, even after many warnings that dogs were getting sick.
The fountain is actually designed with a lower channel for dogs to drink from, and I presume the water comes from the fountain proper. It would be worrisome if the water itself weren't actually fit for dogs to drink.
That's great (yet another thoughtful feature of the park). I am surprised, though, that that much fresh water is being used in the fountain -- the "outside dogs" seem to pump a lot of water. (But they also presumably keep the water in the fountain itself fresher than if it just used recirculated water.)
I need to make an important correction here, which Marc Hallé of Claude Cormier's office has just called in:

The six outside dogs DO NOT pump fresh water. DO NOT drink it!

Only the trough around the base of the fountain, built for dogs to drink from, is fresh. The rest is recirculated water.

(Can you imagine the amount of new water needed if the six dogs were spouting fresh water constantly?)

I thought the filtration system isn't designed to handle dog hair...

Although my dog doesn’t shed, I see the point of setting an example and will keep her out. But from what I’ve seen on Instagram and in person, the fountain is very popular with dogs cooling off. I’m not sure it’s going to stop, unless there’s a loud sign prohibiting the practice. That said, the fountain is regularly cleaned for debris. I saw a team there last week doing regular maintenance. I’m sure the city is aware that shedding dogs are swimming in the fountain and have adjusted maintenance to account for it.
I need to make an important correction here, which Marc Hallé of Claude Cormier's office has just called in:

The six outside dogs DO NOT pump fresh water. DO NOT drink it!

Only the trough around the base of the fountain, built for dogs to drink from, is fresh. The rest is recirculated water.

(Can you imagine the amount of new water needed if the six dogs were spouting fresh water constantly?)


I shoved my sunburned, drunk head in front of one of the streams on Sunday afternoon. I hope I don't get worms.

According to this diagram, the water spouted from the outside dogs is the same fresh water that goes to the outer rim for drinking. The inside dogs are spouting recirculated water. This makes sense since I’m sure people might try to drink from the outer dogs.

According to this diagram, the water spouted from the outside dogs is the same fresh water that goes to the outer rim for drinking. The inside dogs are spouting recirculated water. This makes sense since I’m sure people might try to drink from the outer dogs.

The diagram was from the planning phase of the project - sounds like they have modified the plans afterwards.

It's a little weird that the original CCA diagram proposed exactly that -- you would think they would have realized from the start that was a silly idea.
