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Senior Member
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Jul 23, 2007
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Studio B Architects has applied to the City of Vancouver for permission to alter the existing two-storey heritage building with a six-storey addition consisting of Retail and Artist Studio at level one and residential units at levels two to six, and to retain, relocate and alter the existing two-storey heritage one-family dwelling to the rear of the property.
This development includes:
  • A total of sixty-five (65) dwelling units;
  • A proposed FSR of 3.35 (53,984 sq.ft.);
  • A proposed building height of 69.33 ft.; and
  • Two levels of below grade parking providing eighty-three (83) parking spaces, having vehicular access from the lane.

2525 CarolinaStrenderings.jpg
Yeah Idk who thought that would look good. Unless they're planning on doing a mural or something on them, it looks pretty cheap/depressing.
