Senior Member
tAs to "cheap labour" in China, I'd like to add a few comments. Many Canadians seem to dislike Chinese products because they think those poor factories workers who work 12 hours a day with no benefit are treated unfairly and therefore it is an issue of "human rights" and by not buying from Walmart is some sort of heroic and progressive action. I would say it is laughable and ignorant.
Those poor workers choose to work that way because that's the best money they can make. Yes, they have a hard life but the truth is, without Walmart etc, they will have no job and end up working in the field doing algricultural work all day, making even less money. China's population has determined that labour will be cheap for a long time as low skilled supply is so abundant. You can't artificially inflate wage by forcing companies to pay more, can you? Those workers may be working for $2 an hour but that's what low skilled labour is worth in China, and $2 an hour is not that low in Chinese standards (starting salary for fresh college graduates is somewhere about $500 a month in large cities like shanghai, which is less than $3 per hour). You wanna pay them more, all of them? Go ahead. You guys are so out of touch of the reality and being obsessed with all this "human rights" crap and feeling all good about your seemingly higher morality, without understanding how things really work in other countries. You think it is only fair to pay someone $30 an hour for basic labour such as installing a AC unit? Can you really think it is realistic to artificially increase everyone's wage by 5 to 10 times? Learn some basically economics and then judge.
That is wrong on so many accounts. Did you ever consider that is the "best they can make" because that is the way the laws in China work? Of course it is the best they can make when they are not allowed to organize into unions. Or that labour market competetion is distorted by forced intenrships ( see : Foxconn's Other Dirty Secret: The World's Largest 'Internship' Program ) or differing labour and environmental standards. So yes, it is the best they can make. Just not for tthe reasons you think.
NB. Professionals here, if subjeceted to competition, would see a decline in their wages. They best they can get is due to the fact that they are sheilded from competition.