Wait...there's another Orca?
Well, with Toronto being a recognized global centre for freshwater orca watching, it's no wonder that major, established developers are falling over each other to get the city's signature brand into their condo marketing. Duh!

Well, with Toronto being a recognized global centre for freshwater orca watching, it's no wonder that major, established developers are falling over each other to get the city's signature brand into their condo marketing. Duh!

The Holer Family would like a word with you.

To be fair, Marineland does not treat its orcas well.
Well, with Toronto being a recognized global centre for freshwater orca watching, it's no wonder that major, established developers are falling over each other to get the city's signature brand into their condo marketing. Duh!

And sounds less problematic than Humpback, Sperm or more directly, Killer? 😨
Photos take January 23, 2021

All photos taken from the east, Looking west, with each one progressively closer.



Photos taken February 27th, 2021.

First one is from the Skateboard Park at Coxwell/Lake Shore, you can just see the crane and the top floor:


The remaining shots are all taken from the South-East, looking at the south and west faces of the building, from Kingston Road:




Not that much change in the last month for something that looks like it should be close.....

Photos taken March 29, 2021:

East elevation:


South Elevation:


I've noted to hording advertising of this place showing bright airy window walls punctuated with cheery red brick. I'm sure the red brick is still to come, but the cheery part is mostly academic right now... /bleh
According to BlogTo................

This building, or at least the render art of it...........is scaring people for a reason other than ugly spandrel!

A fellow going by the name Spider Star took an upclose look at the people depicted in the render...........as seen below:


Facial expressions scarier than bad spandrel? LOL

Article link here: https://www.blogto.com/real-estate-...-people-creeped-out-poster-new-toronto-condo/

Edit to add, BlogTo actually gave UrbanToronto credit for some facts about the development.

That has happened before........but probably not as often as it should.
Advice for other citizens, avert thine eyes when passing by this building, especially when right at the corner of Main & Kingston:
Pretty hard to do, it's like a bad car crash. What I really can't get over are the placement of the columns in the units at the southeast corner. It's bad enough that there's limited window wall, but where there is, a column is there.
