What do you think of this project?

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It's not pretty but its density next to transit, which is nice. Hopefully Regency will add some commercial closer to Holyrood Stop in their next phases here.
I dont believe any commercial is planned. i would venture to say that none should be built either. Id much rather The ground floor of these buildings be made up of front doors on (figurative) streets.

the reason, Bonnie Doon and 95th
How is anyone not surprised? Regency also has Tower 101 and the Emerald site in similar states.
The city's new unkept properties tax cannot come soon enough.
I dont think it applies to big commercial sites, yet.
Actually, there is one weird thing I realised about the tower: There's no proper vehicle pick-up / drop-off point. What appears to be the main entrance is just a pool of asphalt that leads nowhere -- the 'road' in front of it is actually the cycling trail behind Holyrood stop that used to be the side lane of 85 St.

I saw a driver go round and round trying to drop off a delivery, he finally figured there was an alley on the far side of the building (looking from the stop) that ends in a back-door parkade / loading bay area. I guess there's supposed to be access from the unbuilt parts of the lot where the pit is eventually...
Imagine having a north facing unit paying the rent their asking for and having to look at that mess everyday when you look out your window.
Imagine having a north facing unit paying the rent their asking for and having to look at that mess everyday when you look out your window.
I suppose out of sight out of mind is better for some, probably why gated communities were created.

The world is messy, but I'm much more bothered by ignoring reality and not trying to fix it.
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Well unless I'm mistaken all I remember is that they got one design approved and then when it came to construction they came back to the city requesting changes and got some on the current building. Then when it came to the unfinished section they tried the same trick again and the city refused. It seems they keep trying the old bait and switch to get more out of a site without paying what should be paid.
