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Unfortunately, I don't think the government is likely to change the voting system.

If ranked balloting for municipal level comes through, iirc the option is there but for 2018, I think that might be a good start. Although I was around when amalgamation happened, many of your thoughtful responses including yours helped me to round out my knowledge and perspective on it. I mentioned before that IMO some of the resentment that fueled Ford in 2010 will likely still be around if\when Fofam is turfed out, but here's hoping that the simmering will not boil over into something more extreme and stupid. TO is not perfect, but ya know I still like the city in general.

For example, I'm sure it's a nice place, but since I retired over 5 years ago, all I know about Scarborough is what I see of it from the center core of the 401. It hardly seems right that I should have a vote in who becomes their mayor.

I live in Scarborough, and it really is cliche' true in terms of how diverse it is. I once went on an informal driving tour of Scarborough, as in hopped in a car with a friend and just drove around. This place has everything from well hidden old money "mini" mansions, older smaller sized bungalows. Areas with a mix of detached homes, townhouses and apartments all within short distances of each other, industrial and some farmlands that in one case I know, is literally facing each other. And yes some at risk priority areas. Though the Scarborough bluffs and Rouge river areas are definitely my personal favourites. The main area of the bluffs however is a bit too crowded for my taste. There is another less well known and more relaxing spot of the bluffs near a bridge and a relatively known fishing spot.

And a lot of selection of pretty good food. :D
Anti Semetism

So new random "attack people" twitter account pops up, she's attacking Ari to be exact and used an anti-semitic slur to address him (to SAL who not so surprisingly despite being Jewish decided not to call it out since chick is a Ford supporter) and Andray Domise. She has no internet presence before September 28th, yet her profile picture is a professional head shot. Jonathon Goldsbie tweeted something about that twitter account having a different name previously (Calib Sanchez). Kelly Gail Ford has no internet presence beyond that one twitter account that I can find. Smells like a QueensQuayKaren situation.

View attachment 34968

Just thought I'ld drop this here :D

Makes me want to change my avatar name from Kelly. To be anyway associated with such hatred is horifiying. (And I'm half Jewish)
Ari a better debator than Doug Ford

True. But, it's going to be pretty boring if it's just Ari versus Olivia.

That may not be boring, they are both bright articulate people, which is a change from the spittle-throwing debates with the Thug, who is about to be on CBC's Metro Morning. Time to change the station.......
He's a great guy who's looking for job right now. Never loved school; fought it every step of the way, but still got a 3.9 average at Sheridan in general arts. Tough to land a job with this, however. Guess I'll just enjoy his company until something comes up. Jobs are tough to come by for his age group. Wish I had a magic wand to make it all better. Until we can figure something out, I'll just enjoy his company and be grateful he still enjoys mine.

What about PR/communications? I think that is like a 1-year college program (maybe less since he already has arts credits).
Doug is bombing on the radio right now. Galloway brought up the missed votes, the "go to hell" incident and lots more.

Norm Wilner ‏@normwilner now
.@mattgallowaycbc just got Doug to say he doesn't listen to "the armchair quarterbacks" ... like the Toronto Sun. He's toast. #TOpoli
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Before the 'selfie' was posted, everyone on Twitter was screaming at Toronto media to STOP reporting on Rob Ford's presence at the accident scene. Stop making the story about him. So what if he was there? Lots of people were there on a busy street! Stop making it sound like he was helpful -- he did nothing special, calling Andy Byford does nothing for the victim, Byford would have been notified anyways, etc. STOP DISRESPECTING THE VICTIM AND HER FAMILY! THIS IS NOT ABOUT ROB FORD!!

NOW... oh now it's okay to disrespect the victim and her family??? Screw that dead lady, look -- Rob Ford was there... and he did something tacky!! Isn't he just soooo..... ewwww! :rolleyes:

I'm sorry, but you can't have it both ways. What, exactly, should the media say about the Rob Ford selfie?? How is it news? Posing for a photo with a fan at that scene is not illegal. It did not impede efforts to save the lady or investigate the accident. It was a very (very, very, very, very, very) tasteless thing to do (in one's subjective opinion), but it's not news.

If it had been Justin Bieber who posed for that selfie, and the media reported on it as yet another Bieber-scandal, people would be furious with the media for using a tragic death for sensationalist stories, and treating the victim as merely a sideshow to a Bieber story. No one would say "Thanks to the media for helping educate our young people that Bieber is not a nice person nor positive role model, hopefully kids will stop worshiping him" or any such thing.

This is the thing about some of the Ford haters; they have really become so blinded by their hate, they can't see past it.

I'm not taking sides here but it would be a society of sad sacks if the people took moral and ethical guidance from someone who spends his free time creeping the Rob Ford, mayor of Toronto.

Living 10 km away from the Ford estate but—through the incredible power of kismet—always happens to be in the hood to report on the number of tea cups on Rob Ford's driveway at 9:30pm, whether Rob Ford's lights were on upstairs, or which stall Rob Ford was using at the Esso station.

I'm not saying it is so but putting the dots together points to you being a political sleeper agent of police chief Blair.

But agent or not, sketchy acts like these are what restraining orders are made of, and you would have one were Rob Ford petty and political enough to seek one. It is by his turned cheek that you have your freedom.

Otherwise I agree with your final conclusion in principle.

By the way, speaking of Blair, not to gloat but I called it months ago and lo and behold, it's the police chief without any clothes. Each new dawn brings a new vindication.

Let that be a lesson Blair! Put your name on the ballot and run for mayor if you want to rule the city, or else lawsuits will be filed.
Amalgamation was to diminish old Toronto's progressive nature by smashing it together with the more conservative inner 'burbs.

Yeah, and David Miller skunked that one.

Sure, RoFo then took things 180; but, still. Miller proved it could be done.
My 23 year old son still plops himself down on my bed and gives me a roundup on his day. It's a highlight of my evening.

But in the case of how RoFo portrays his kids, it's more like they need to be tucked in because of Evil Monkeys in the closet, scary boogiemen like Daniel Dale out there, etc...
Doug is bombing on the radio right now. Galloway brought up the missed votes, the "go to hell" incident and lots more.

Doug was dreadful. Mowed through Matt's questions with an unstoppable droning of talking points from 2010, much retelling of Ford fables going back to the fictitious $744m opening budget pressure, all bound up with flat-out lies (work 18 hours a day every day, love the people of this city, "shook hands with" the father of the autistic teen, rescued the city budget from the brink). He would have come across as patronizing and pompous except he just sounded flat-out tired of the whole charade.
It's socks docs day! At least we can give Jude a break - I was a needle-y kid so I apologize for bugging lol.

I hope these docs are good.
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