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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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  1. Y

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    And let's not forget Joe W. spoke with and quoted another rehab resident. Of course, that guy had nothing but great things to say about RoFo, including that he makes great coffee.
  2. Y

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Except it pretty clearly outlines how his antics interfered with other people's recovery. Hard to find sympathy there. If you're not ready for rehab, leave. But interfering with other people's recovery is a terribly thing to do. Kind of ironic: I was treated for 6 months as an inpatient at...
  3. Y

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    My money is on Rob not being alone in his cottage and watching TV wasn't his primary activity.
  4. Y

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Is the fact that McRobb picked up RoFo's Caddy in Toronto new? I don't recall reading that specific detail before and was under the impression that he must have had it in Muskoka with him given he'd leant it to her.
  5. Y

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I don't know. I'm in Nova Scotia, and i can think of more than a few crimes where the police took their time, got close to the people they suspected, and managed to get the information they needed to make an arrest. Call me an optimist, but I don't think just because we haven't seen charges...
  6. Y

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    "I'm a lying, conniving and manipulative alcoholic. I can't promise you that I won't relapse, and I won't even promise to tell you when I slip up, but you just need to trust me" ~ Rob Ford (paraphrased from comments he's made over this week)
  7. Y

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    He must practice this "I did not drink last yesterday, and I haven't had a drop of alcohol today" line. He was asked very pointedly if he were to relapse if he would be honest that he slipped up. He just repeats that line followed by "I'm taking it one day at a time" Ford has been very...
  8. Y

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    "The people are going to speak loud and clear again." "I can't wait until October 27th" Saved for posterity
  9. Y

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    "Idle time is the Devil's playground". There you have it folks, if he's not re-elected and doesn't have the mayorship to keep him busy, it'll be you're fault when he relapses. ARGH!
  10. Y

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    God, this interview is making me ill. He's making himself into the victim. Poor Robbie. "I'm not making any promises" in response to Agar asking if people vote for him if they can trust he'll stay sober.
  11. Y

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    You are working with the assumption that he wants help, or to get better. I really don't think he does. I think the only thing he wants is to be Mayor of Toronto. Even if he does it incredibly poorly, it's the closest thing to an accomplishment the guy's got. You want to see a RoFo bender...
  12. Y

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Don Peat should give him a call about fixing a pothole in front of his house. Clearly that is the only way he's going to get to talk to the mayor.
  13. Y

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Well, I guess we can put to rest any notion we might have had about Doug being the smart one.
  14. Y

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    ARGH! That man makes me want to punch him! The same guy who swore he'd never seen DoFo take a drink, then was seen driving a barely-able-to-walk RoFo from city hall. The same guy who suggested a guy who repeatedly got drunk in public only had to limit his pops to the basement. You know...
  15. Y

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    He is basically setting us up for his relapse. Refuses to directly answer whether he'd be open to drug testing in the future, just given the "I know I didn't drink yesterday, I know I didn't drink today..."
  16. Y

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    He just claimed to CP24 that he's never used heroin.
  17. Y

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I noticed that too. And sweatier. (studio type lighting is hotter than hell, so that could be a big part) But still not as red and sweaty as he was before rehab, IMO.
  18. Y

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Good on the interviewer for not letting him go into campaign mode with him.
  19. Y

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    The best criminal lawyer in Canada!
  20. Y

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I want someone to ask him if, in the event he relapses, if he'll admit to it, or if we can expect more lies.
