News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 02, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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  1. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    It seems bizarre to me that professional detectives and lawyers can come to completely different conclusions based on the same evidence. I feel like there is a big story here.
  2. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Well, it's clearly open war between OPP and TPS. I suspect there is little love lost between the two forces... OPP probably regard TPS as a bunch of cowboys. TPS went public first and now OPP have fired back. The AG is in a tricky position as whatever their feelings they can't interfere in an...
  3. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I tried to post this earlier, but can't find it. The OPP motivation may well be that if they don't go after Siyad it undermines the case against Ford. Ford's lawyer can argue that without an extortion threat from Siyad there was no motivation to extort other people for the video. So charging...
  4. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I think I have a bit of a handle as to what's going on here (note, no inside info, just speculation). 1. Incoming OPP chief gets handed the file on Day 1 in office. Trust me, this guy wants Ford's head, but also doesn't want investigation to collapse. ALSO wants to show that he's a new broom...
  5. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    You can read the first part of the story here: it seems pretty serious to me.
  6. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Moreover, Flaherty is out of the building and other folks have been given time to take cover. I dunno if Rob really hurt his back but when I blew a disc it was the worst thing that ever happened to me. I probably looked like he did. So anyone it happens to has my sympathy. But I do suspect he...
  7. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I've been sued for libel (as a journalist) so I know all about it. We all saw what happened when RoFo was threatened with a lawsuit by Dale. They rolled over in a heartbeat because they have SO much to hide. MetroMan has nothing to fear.
  8. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    The Fords may threaten but the LAST thing they want is to go into court. As soon as DoFo or RoFo is on the stand their credibility can be questioned and that is a can of worms they cannot afford to open. There is no possibility that the Fords will actually sue anyone.
  9. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Papers report hearsay all the time. Hearsay is not admissible in a court of law, subject to certain exceptions (e.g. deathbed confessios).
  10. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    She says she has people on the record, but not willing to go public. That kind of thing is usually enough for a newspaper if they can confirm it with them. It certainly was when I was a TV journalist. All that matters is that you think you can prove it on the balance of probabilities if it goes...
  11. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    This is Rae Deeton... she doesn't seem like a crazy person..
  12. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I think the candidates are obeying the age-old dictum 'never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake'.
  13. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    So, um, as this Toronto-based version of True Detective edges towards its season finale, has anyone noticed the similarity? "Mah family has been here a loooong time..."
  14. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    The weirdest part about the Smith story is that his connection to the whole thing has never been explained. We still don't know who shot the video, whose phone it was on, or why Smith was in that photograph. Also, stealing Smith's phone during the shooting: that is weird. You have a beef with...
  15. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    What was Jimmy T's murder theory? I missed it. Jimmy T has been an amazing source. So glad he feels OK to post here.
  16. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    The best Rob Ford photo yet? And Rob looks (relatively) normal.
  17. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    This has to mean the investigation is done. They are just handing it up the tree to a set of clean hands. It has almost certainly already been cleared by prosecutors so although I imagine OPP will have to do due diligence it shouldn't take long. And I bet OPP have been briefed in for weeks if...
  18. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Whenever you see someone talking about what 'most people' or 'ordinary Americans/Canadians' or 'a large percentage of the people in this city' feel, you can just replace those phrases with 'me' to find out what the person is really saying.
  19. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Troll is trolling. Do not feed.
  20. S

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    He should sue Ford and donate the money to CAMH.
