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    Racial Slur Allegedly Used Towards CFRB Reporter

    Well I've already said I don't think they were necessarily fundemental racists, however it doesn't make what they said any less disrespectful and morally bankrupt. Just the fact alone they uttered the word "nigger" means they made a conscious decision to single out a victim for being of a...

    Harper Accused of Trying to Sabotage Democrat Primary

    How sad and disappointing the Conservatives felt the need to stick their noses in like this. Messing with the odds-on-favorite's candidacy can't have long-term positive implications for Canada-US relations. Harper widens NAFTA probe Mar...

    Racial Slur Allegedly Used Towards CFRB Reporter

    Gee thanks ;), I've been told I have a knack for the political realm and would influence alot of social change and societal progression in the right direction. Can I count on your vote? I also know men wrote the Bible and the Qur'an yet claim it was by divine input. What's your point? If...

    U.S. Elections 2008

    Yeah they can have AB and OH, and in exchange Canada claims Nevada and Florida (who wouldn't want all the touristic cash-cow states ;)!) That'd leave Florida as our cut-off counterpart to the US's Alaska.

    Fate of the SRT

    Well excuse me for feeling like I'm being singled out for using dialouge that Scarberian thinks is translated from another language. I'm trying to sound authoratitive and knowledgable that's all. Even if you disagree with my views, there's no need resort to personal attacks of my grammar...

    Possible transit solutions for the Brampton area

    ^ Quite true. Most of Old Town Brampton, primarily residential and affluent, is situated within vicinity of Main St, hence you'd have a hard time convincing anyone with politicial/financial weight to build a LRT line past Brampton GO Stn. Kennedy's extremely busy and a major transfer point...

    Fate of the SRT

    Why do you people think you can outsmart me? Milieu- the physical or social setting in which something occurs or develops Etymology: French, from Old French, midst, from miles middle (from Latin medius) + lieu place, from Latin locus. I...

    U.S. Elections 2008

    I personally wouldn't mind seeing this future America:

    there's some sick people in this world

    I wonder if that puppy you claim to care so much about had a say in the distribution of video footage depicting his murder :rolleyes:?! The victims in the second photo had their faces disclosed. You can't be doing them a disservice by emphasizing to one obviously mentally deranged former poster...

    Officially Unofficial Metrolinx Regional Transportation Plan Thread

    All of which could be retorted because we've become very accustomed to an existing station in the Midland/Progress area, which is elevated and en route eastbound to Malvern-heading buses ;). Preferrably though the path of the Sheppard line should go as follows east of Warden: Allenford...

    U.S. Elections 2008

    That would suggest that Obama is appealing to new age Democrats more so than ones in rural ridings and traditionally Red states. If Obama maintains control of the Midwest, Mid-Atlantic and Pacific plus garners a sizable number of supporters from the 18-35 demographic nation-wide, he should have...

    Racial Slur Allegedly Used Towards CFRB Reporter

    I wasn't attempting to. History and common sense knowledge speaks for itself. Abduction, lost heritage, cast overboards, slavery, being born and dying a slave, masters raping slaves, biracials torn between worlds, emancipation: free but really not, next to no pay, next to no useful lands...

    Queen W & Portland fire

    Minus the exuberant loss-of-life of course. It'll bounce back and better than before with the absence of time-warped artitecture. Welcome to UT immi4ever!

    Possible transit solutions for the Brampton area

    Well I did say choose the best option guys. Maybe a better phrasing of the poll question should have been: "Which of the following should be the top #1 transit priority for Brampton and area?" All the options have varying degrees of merit, but of course feel free to vocalize your opinions...

    Fate of the SRT

    Aw, big words like "quadruple" and "milleu" intimidate you. Poor thing. You must have me confused for somebody else because I never claimed I wanted to see two subways, a LRT line and GO services in Malvern. Sheppard-Markham is close enough and still has sizable patches of land for not only a...

    Possible transit solutions for the Brampton area

    Darn, I knew I left out something. I'm just a rookie at posting polls, I'll learn. Can thread-starters re-edit threads?

    Fate of the SRT

    It does have merit. I told you countless times I'd sooner see a city-wide network of BRT/LRT of which the SRT could be the archetype. But if majority consensus thinks that only a subway will do, why not just go the extra 5kms and enclose the loop vis a vis Sheppard/Markham? About that GO...

    Possible transit solutions for the Brampton area

    Okay I went about my Brampton transit discussion thread all wrong. So now I'll take CC's lead and tabulate what implementations could work best for the Flower City. Happy vote-casting :)!

    Fate of the SRT

    I said 'upwards' of an hour. It's not at all unbelievable that someone starting out from say Morningside Heights would be commutely endlessly to the Town Centre. I think alot of these LRT vs. subway debates could be appeased so long as the SRT extension/expansion is designed such that it could...

    U.S. Elections 2008

    So you don't become a victim of your fears, make sure don't rely or depend on anyone. Remember life is short so make haste and take care, cause tomorrow brings, tomorrow assures nothing. Just thought I'd put that conventional wisdom out there ;)! Putting faith in a volatile political...
