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  1. Mystic Point

    Church-Wellesley Village

    Hopefully North of Brooklyn Pizza will absorb Woodies. That's one tired bar that have closed years ago.
  2. Mystic Point

    Church-Wellesley Village

    Exactly the point. I can't wait for the Village to transform. As it is now, it's basically a poorly maintained museum for past that no longer is.
  3. Mystic Point

    Church-Wellesley Village

    To quote writer Sky Gilbert, " But it isn't just Church Street that's on the wane. When being gay is the same as being straight, there's no need for gay anything. Gay bars, books, gay magazines, gay newspapers - gay culture as we know it - will disappear. "
  4. Mystic Point

    Church-Wellesley Village

    More West Hollywood News ~ Could this be a harbinger of things to come ?
  5. Mystic Point

    Church-Wellesley Village

    Let's not underestimate the almost universal appeal of banks. People come from all around to see'em. You stand online, speak to a teller or loans officer, exchange pounds for dollars, admire the self-promotional graphics and ads, it's interesting stuff. The stuff dreams are made of.
  6. Mystic Point

    Church-Wellesley Village

    As Village goes Hipster, see article on what's happening in West Hollywood!,0,7458432.story#axzz2vtBJc1ab Goodbye Gays. Hello Mexicans!
  7. Mystic Point

    Church-Wellesley Village

    North of Brooklyn Pizza Village goes Hipster as the Gays move on.
  8. Mystic Point

    Church-Wellesley Village

    Robbie rocks it and starts new dance craze! Go
  9. Mystic Point

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Robbie rocks it and starts a new dance craze!
  10. Mystic Point

    Church-Wellesley Village

    I think perhaps, some readers wish for a Museum of the Gays ~ featuring famous historic gays fashioned in wax like Liberace, Michael Jackson, etc ~ It could feature a reproduction of " the steps ", the interior of " Woody's, " or " Spa Excess " and other cultural achievements from the past...
  11. Mystic Point

    Church-Wellesley Village

    The " vibe " up there is about drug dealers and crazy people. Bring on the mega condo. If there was ever a place that could use a " vibe " change, it would be that corner!
  12. Mystic Point

    Church-Wellesley Village

    It is great news. And Church and Wellesley is about to get a taste of Williamsburg. This oughta be interesting.
  13. Mystic Point

    Church-Wellesley Village

    I agree!
  14. Mystic Point


    It may be the next Ossington.
  15. Mystic Point

    Church-Wellesley Village

    More awful junk for the Village. These murals - especially the one under creation at C&W on the drug store - are the new pornography. I imagine up and coming village visual themes to include rainbows, obelisks, unicorns and teddy bears.
  16. Mystic Point

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Mayor Rob Ford's approval rating ticks upward with news of crack video ~ Toronto Star
  17. Mystic Point

    Church-Wellesley Village

    You ought to talk to the retailers and restaurants that had these unfortunate parklets dumped at their doorsteps. All day and night they had to send staff out to quell one situation after another. i.e. stolen goods, stolen food, beggars, dealers, homeless people and their dogs setting up what...
  18. Mystic Point

    Anthony Bourdain on Toronto

    Anthony nails it. see
  19. Mystic Point

    Church-Wellesley Village

    The parklets were put on trial and found guilty of ugliness. Goodbye and good riddance. The pink and purple paint job really sealed their fate. How naive and unsophisticated does the BIA think the gays are when it comes to urban design and public space? Based on those awful gay towers at the...
  20. Mystic Point

    Church-Wellesley Village

    Agreed Dev. This is yet another misguided initiative created by the Village BIA. Good Lord. Maybe the BIA members are sight impaired. Everything they touch is ugly.
