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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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  1. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I've met and seen far too many stupid rich people that lucked into their lot in life to ever believe we live in a society that resembles a meritocracy. For every one hypothetically squeaky-clean Ford family that builds itself from nothing, there are many, many more that work just as hard if not...
  2. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Rob Ford, Stephen Harper and Ayn Rand could walk up to you, lop off your cock and hand it back to you while saying they did you a favour, and you'd still be screaming about the "Liberals."
  3. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    It's a common problem all over broadcast news media. Best case scenario, either the people running the show are hacks, or they're underlings who would rather not lose their jobs because they pissed off the wrong bigwigs. Worst case, they're corperate shills that know *exactly* what kind of...
  4. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Mansbridge is and always has been a hack, but this is truly pathetic. These televised interviews are nothing more than an open platform for the Fords to propagandize and appeal to the most gullible demographics they can find. It's really too bad all those cowards in uniform will automatically...
  5. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    The NDP's leadership is intent on turning the party into the next milquetoast Liberals because they think that's what will get them votes. I hope the party's grassroots can turn it around, because I'd love to have an actual choice when it comes to voting come the next election. I'm sick to death...
  6. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Normally I would agree, but pot is illegal for bad and stupid reasons so I see no reason to judge anyone for disregarding an unjust law that often harms people without cause. I can't see anyone smart enough to use it properly being dumb enough to somehow get themselves blackmailed over it. Then...
  7. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Pot is less harmful and addictive than alcohol and tobacco. Not all drugs are the same and not all laws are just.
  8. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    There would be some outrage, as it would still legitimately be a cause for concern if he was getting his pot from the same people he was getting his crack and booze from. However the optics of this would be a lot different as most people know there's nothing wrong with pot.
  9. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Nothing will change unless Ford is forcably removed. Hell, even then you're left with the problem of most of the council being spineless, oppertunistic losers who will screw their own constituents if they think it'll get them elected. So basically, no positive change will truly come out of this...
  10. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    The Fifth Estate piece was a great summary of the Ford saga for the kinds of people who only half-overhear newsbites while they cook dinner, which is extremely important if we want to avoid electing another guy like him in the future. I also think it's important to remember that CNN is another...
  11. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    There are plenty of legitimate reasons to think or shout "fuck the police" but I guarentee you that not one of those popped-collar assholes knows any of them.
  12. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Pfft, everyone knows that only left wing pinko commienazis watch the CBC. I'm a straight-talking mofo who gets all his news from the Sun! Excuse me, I have to go jerk off to Erza's latest rant about Jews and Gypsies.
  13. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    The talking heads at City are nice people to know personally, but to call them shoddy journalists would be generous. Over the years CityTV went from positioning itself as the young upstart station that went against the grain, to shlocky infotainment you're meant to half pay attention to from the...
  14. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    The stupidity or senselessness of one's belief is not necessarily indicative of the sincerity of that belief, especially where religion is concerned. Your remark strikes me as hilariously naive. Anyway, every second Rob Ford remains in office is another second that more people are convinced...
  15. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Just laugh at him, if he's concerned about Olivia Chow the "socialist" then he's deluded.
  16. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    The last time I tried to do something, to make my voice heard and excerise my democractic rights, I and others were attacked, beaten and kidnapped by police officers for our trouble, and the media did their very best to gloss over it. I suspect that if voting were truly capable of reversing our...
  17. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Ultimately I feel these whole saga will benefit people like Ford in the future, as I can't see this doing anything but driving more people away from voting. All the scandals and blatant corruption at every level of government all over the country, plus an increasingly shitty economy is only...
  18. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Anyone still defending Ford in any capacity, or desperately attempting to deflect attention from him should be met with nothing but hearty laughter. I mean come on. How stupid and disenginuous do you have to be to not understand the Chief of Police's remarks today? Ahahaha. Aahahahahahahahaha
  19. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Thank you very much for eloquently repsonding to what basically amounts to "No! The Other is stealing our stuff!"
  20. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I always see claims that there is a vast swath of people appearently gaming social services, but never any solid, credible numbers to support the assertion. It seems to me that the people who most take advantage of the "generosity of our society" are well off suit-wearing Serious People like our...
