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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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  1. CBBarnett

    Calgary Transit Fantasy Maps

    Love all these plans and ideas! Why does everyone always skip Chinook Centre though? It's the 9th largest mall in Canada currently. Chinook has got to be the single most popular destination south of downtown in the whole city - it already is the centre of a hub of activity today. I've always...
  2. CBBarnett

    Calgary Transit

    I think the way to think about it (or at least how Calgary Transit seems to be thinking about it) is the Crosstown is just the name, most people aren't imagined to go end to end. This route's value is picking people up in the middle and dropping them at the stations on the Red or Blue line. For...
  3. CBBarnett

    Calgary | 17th and 4th | 164m | 46s | Vesta | Zeidler

    Truman seems to be on this thing where every project is bigger than the last. If they keep this up we will get a ridiculous 100 storey building sometime in the 2030s!
  4. CBBarnett

    Calgary Transit

    Fall Service Update is here: A few notable ones, particularly a new Route 26 - Sarcee Trail Crosstown that goes between Tuscany and Westbrook LRT Stations. Frequency is quite low so seems like a trial, but would be one to watch...
  5. CBBarnett

    Calgary | The Barron | 43m | 11s | Strategic Group | Gibbs Gage

    "These plans — paired with ambitious changes to the building, such as widening the elevator and adding underground parking — have wrought challenges for its structural engineers at every turn." These are some of the only examples in the article, and perhaps I am just dense - why don't you just...
  6. CBBarnett

    Calgary | 17th and 4th | 164m | 46s | Vesta | Zeidler

    We've been around now since the heady days of SSP several building booms ago - I am more relaxed about exciting proposals now, as we've seen many come with much fanfare (including on this site) and then never materialize. Part of the game. Until that crane exists and we are pouring concrete in...
  7. CBBarnett

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    This is the most recent one I can find from a 2023 concept plan for rockyview county, not sure if there's been further revisions since then: No signs of residential in this version...
  8. CBBarnett

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    If I recall this is what has already happened to some extent - dispute is impacts on Calgary’s infrastructure by putting a major shopping and retail district directly on the border with none of the revenue to support it. Parts of the plan were approved, others were already appealed a few years...
  9. CBBarnett

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    And it’s just a bit of an upgrade to the single storey retail strip on the NW corner built only a decade ago - it itself was a major upgrade over a long-time parking lot. Exciting times - let’s see what happens! We’ve been down this road before on this parcel for nothing to materialize...
  10. CBBarnett

    Calgary | 4th Street Lofts | 115m | 29s | Western Securities | Gibbs Gage

    Does anyone know the product that they are using? I assuming it's some sort of "fake" brick paneling that doesn't require mortar and reduces the labour. Would this brick be something similar to what is used on residential homes or is it more of a commercial-quality / scale thing?
  11. CBBarnett

    Calgary & Alberta Economy

    I always wonder about the actual value in these kinds of VC funding numbers broken out by city - how much, if anything does it translate to on the ground in the cities they list? I assume there’s a few jobs that are supported, but loads of this work is distributed and international, raising...
  12. CBBarnett

    Calgary | WSL Currie | 22.5m | 6s | Western Securities | Hindle Architects

    I don't really understand what Currie is doing and what they are trying to build overall - they had a few shiny skyline renderings back in 2015 with a bunch of towers, but I never really have seen much of the street life, retail and general vibe they are actually wanting to do here. Part of the...
  13. CBBarnett

    Calgary | Green Line LRT | ?m | ?s | Calgary Transit

    I am always surprised how the Canada Line never inspired more projects to copy it's value approach with respect to grade-separated, automated, but with tiny bare-bones stations, small trains and standardization of everything. It's competitively fast, efficient and functional. The Canada Line's...
  14. CBBarnett

    Calgary | Marc and Mada | 62m | 19s | Truman | NORR

    All of this is a symptom of the main issue - sidewalks and pathways are still not considered priorities, particularly from a transportation perspective. I have spent a lot of years on this site complaining about this and refining my thesis about this: Calgary treats sidewalks and pathways in...
  15. CBBarnett

    Calgary | Marc and Mada | 62m | 19s | Truman | NORR

    That's a good question, but I assume this will help defer some of the cost escalation that hits every capital project that was budgeted pre/during COVID era and is being built today. For such a critical block in the whole project, it's a huge risk to do "business as usual" sidewalk approach for...
  16. CBBarnett

    Calgary | Green Line LRT | ?m | ?s | Calgary Transit

    Trains take a long time to procure, just like building the tracks. Also it wasn't Bombardier (who no longer build trains, only business jets since about 10 years ago) it was CAF, a large spanish train manufacturer. Like any contract, I am sure there's a cancellation clause if you decide to not...
  17. CBBarnett

    Calgary | Scotia Place | 36.85m | 11s | CSEC | HOK

    Should have been more clear - as it relates to the overall spending, I don't have an issue with the efforts here about the tree. It's a rounding error of a rounding error in cost and will yield real public benefit. I remain unconvinced about publicly funded stadium deals overall that have a far...
  18. CBBarnett

    Calgary | Scotia Place | 36.85m | 11s | CSEC | HOK

    For the layers of architect and consulting grift that is going into this tree memorial thing - let alone a project with many hundreds of millions in public funding - we probably could have bought 5,000 elms to replace all the street trees within a 10 block radius.
  19. CBBarnett

    Calgary | AHC 6th Ave | 25m | 6s | Attainable Homes Calgary | Hindle Architects

    To be fair, saving a bunch of design fees from over-priced consultants is smart. As this proves, Minecraft is all the design software you need!
  20. CBBarnett

    Calgary | Marc and Mada | 62m | 19s | Truman | NORR

    Go big, go flashy at full strength - whatever they proposed would have been opposed might as well put full effort in. The design really understands this is the heart of Marda Loop - if they pull this off it and it comes out like the render, it would be a massive win for the area to cement it as...
