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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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  1. freshcutgrass

    Black Lives Matter Toronto

    Yea...isn't that just what at-risk black youth need...a racially segregated "BLM recruitment camp", to indoctrinate young minds to the racist hate propaganda and lies spewed by BLMTO. I can only hope very few parents fall for that.
  2. freshcutgrass

    Black Lives Matter Toronto

    First of all, that post is just as bad as the rest. Secondly, the reason your suggestion is going to fall on deaf ears can be found right in the post you quoted..."it's pointless and futile to have polite discussions". A productive, rational discussion isn't what purveyors of victimhood...
  3. freshcutgrass

    Black Lives Matter Toronto

    Hell....even Malcolm X would be face-palming that one. He'd be like..."ok, by almost any means necessary".
  4. freshcutgrass

    Black Lives Matter Toronto

    And the winner of the Dunning–Kruger effect award goes to...
  5. freshcutgrass

    Black Lives Matter Toronto

    BLM doesn't know either, but as usual, their official default position with zero evidence is that Pride Toronto are anti-black racists. What's more likely...Pride is anti-black racist (in which case they are utter failures at given the inclusion of blacks)...or that like everyone involved...
  6. freshcutgrass

    Black Lives Matter Toronto

    "Okay Buuuuuuuuut" nothing. Before we go anywhere, you need to acknowledge your incorrect application regarding this so-called "white privilege" remark of yours. Accountability seems to be a term that escapes BLM members and their supporters. If you actually read the posts and still need to...
  7. freshcutgrass

    Black Lives Matter Toronto

    Quoting facts, racist remarks and lies by BLM leaders/sympathizers and pointing out hypocrisy isn't "bigotry", "ignorant trash" or in any way promoting inequality. Provide the evidence for these accusations or retract them. Personal attacks on forum members with false accusations is likely...
  8. freshcutgrass

    Black Lives Matter Toronto

    Except that wasn't what was being shoved in my face. Greenleaf implied my right to criticize is a privilege not afforded others, which is factually untrue. Especially given the fact the topic is about all the criticism being spouted by BLM. They don't seem to have any problem utilizing this...
  9. freshcutgrass

    Black Lives Matter Toronto

    And the right to an opinion and to express it is a privilege everyone has. That's what equality is. I'm sure people think they sound clever by adding that "white privilege" soundbite as a rebuttal, but it is really just a cop out, because the only one preaching double standards is BLM. BLM is...
  10. freshcutgrass

    Black Lives Matter Toronto

    Again....shocking racist behaviour from anyone. But this from a "movement" who's sole purpose is to stop racism?????? Uh Huh The moral of the story here is that before you impulsively jump on a bandwagon, do a little research first, and save yourself the embarrassment of finding out the hard...
  11. freshcutgrass

    Black Lives Matter Toronto

    Like I said...can't think of another issue I agree with this guy on...but facts don't change because someone you don't like says them.
  12. freshcutgrass

    Black Lives Matter Toronto

    What is it with these BLM wackos and their habit of aggressively hijacking other groups events to use as a pulpit to spout their own irrelevant sh*t? What really takes the cake is that twit who hijacked the stage at that LGBT vigil in Columbus, Missouri to honour the victims of the Orlando...
  13. freshcutgrass

    Black Lives Matter Toronto

    Black Lives Matter Toronto co-founder Yusra Khogali: "Plz Allah give me strength to not cuss/kill these white men and white folks out here today. Plz plz plz," These are the words of the leader of a anti-racist movement. You can usually judge a movement by its leaders.
  14. freshcutgrass

    Black Lives Matter Toronto

    Kinda makes you miss the 80's. Back to the topic....perhaps next year, Pride Toronto can invite the Westboro Baptist Church as the guest of honour and lead the parade? I doubt even they would be moronic enough to lob smoke grenades into a crowd of one million at one of the most important LGBT...
  15. freshcutgrass

    Black Lives Matter Toronto

    Keep tap dancing like that and you could be the next Bob Fosse.
  16. freshcutgrass

    Black Lives Matter Toronto

    So then, according to you, the real discrimination going on there is against males. They make up only 50% of the population, yet account for nearly 96% of people shot dead by police. MALE LIVES MATTER eh Pay attention, cause that's all the help I am going to give you in regards to pointing...
  17. freshcutgrass

    Black Lives Matter Toronto

    Yea...and if every demographic had the same violent crime rates consistent with their representative population, you might have had a point. But......
  18. freshcutgrass

    Black Lives Matter Toronto

    Actually, baseless ad hominem attacks as ridiculous as that tend to illicit a feeling of embarrassment for the author more than feeling offended by their feeble attempt at humour. Please take note of who "liked" that post you some insight as to the kind of person we are dealing with.
  19. freshcutgrass

    Black Lives Matter Toronto

    I think you and I both know the point he is struggling to make, is that the blacks in question aren't unique in facing racism, poverty, police brutality or discrimination, and rich folks are completely colour blind when it comes to who they don't want to give their money to (nobody isn't a...
  20. freshcutgrass

    Black Lives Matter Toronto

    Read what I said a little more carefully...I didn't say poverty wasn't a factor for crime. It obviously is. I said poverty can't be the "root" cause of black crime rates (specifically violent crime rates...and now I'm speaking about USA stats), because the majority of the poor are non-black...
