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You didn't listen to what I wrote! I'm looking at the root cause of crime! If rich white men make society in such a way that makes black people shoot each other then the rich white men should be blamed for it! Like I said, social assistance programs to unprivileged blacks needs to increase 4-5 fold in order for crime to stop! But the greedy rich white people don't want to cough up the dough!

A: The amount of magical influence this boogeyman of yours has on the character of only black people exists in your imagination.

B: Since you aren't entitled to a double standard, these "rich white folks" of yours can claim they aren't responsible for their actions either.

C: As the facts indicate, poverty is not the "root cause" of black crime rates (talking USA now). It is as much a fantasy to think that there is a way to give black people 4-5 times the amount of social assistance than anybody else, than it is to think that it would "stop crime".

D: Do greedy rich black people get to keep their money or do you suggest a special "white" tax only (you know, to go along with that new lottery program to send a white guy to prison every time a black person commits a crime)?
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In what way is society set up that it breeds poverty towards black people? Black on black murder is not the fault of those committing it because society is putting pressure on them to act this way? Really? Are black men incapable of thinking their way out of tough situations and thus are helpless and reflexively kill each other because they have no other choice? You are completely off your rocker if you truly believe that. All the social problems among blacks are because of whitey. That is what you have been told to believe, anyway. It's because of white people that your ancestors were freed from slavery and eventually given equal rights. Don't forget that.

You might as well say that if I were to go out and rape a girl that I should be absolved and someone else is to blame because my mind has been tarnished by pornography and sexual imagery in movies and television shows, etc. and therefore I can't control my urges. What you're saying is so farcical. Even if what you believe is true about whites having an upper hand and blacks being treated unfairly, that doesn't negate the fact that God/nature (whatever you believe) gave each of us a brain and the ability to think critically and objectively and the power to work ourselves out of ruts. We are not helpless children. Some people (not entire races) are born into very difficult situations, but there are countless examples of said people overcoming huge obstacles in life (I proved that with my reference to Ben Carson. He had no dad and a poor, uneducated mom. How did he manage to become a smart, wealthy man without killing anyone?). You're essentially saying that black men have no recourse and are therefore unaccountable for any murder they commit. Are black people guilty of anything then? Is every wrongdoing of theirs a result of this rigged system you speak of?
I don't know how many times I have to tell you. I'm not black. I was born white but I rid myself of white privilege symbolically (see previous thread) posts. LOL @ at picking your token black guy Ben Carson the sellout to prove you're not racist. LOL "I have one black friend therefore I am not racist".

This is all racist BS I hear from you. Yes ignore the fact that rich white men made society in that way so that black people kill each other. Laugh at it and deny it.

LOL @ police killing mostly white people. You find like 3 and then all of a sudden it's a fact. LOL!

Yes, I'm a racist because my arguments don't reflect your views. Excellent logic and such an original response. You make it seem like all white people are born into royalty. So a white person that is conceived via rape, then placed in an orphanage automatically has a higher status and greater opportunity than a black person born into a stable home, simply because of the shade of his/her skin? You are an asinine fool. Most employers don't care about skin colour, but rather, one's character and achievements. They want intelligent, creative, hard working people. Do you think a bank would hire a white, disheveled dimwit with a high school education over a bright black person with a university degree and excellent presentation and people skills?
Because your so-called views are racist and should not be allowed! And yes white people are more with a privilege that black people don't have! It's called white privilege which is why there is much more black unemployment than white unemployment.

Haha. This is too funny to be true. I should be in jail for expressing myself freely. First, you compare my thoughts to Hitler, and now you're telling me I should be imprisoned for simply stating things which you disagree with. Notice the irony? Hitler was a fascist and you're supporting the same philosophy of punishing those with dissenting views. If you are for real, you are more dangerous than any of the people you are condemning. You're a radicalized twit. And it's so much more amusing that you're white. How could you possibly relate to your fellow BlackLivesMatter brethen if you were born with a "higher status" than them? How could you empathize?
Your views should not be allowed because you're racist! And yes Hitler was a racist too so excuse me for the comparison! And I'm the one supporting fascist views? It's called democracy! True democracy not just a sham of a system that has 2 parties where you could vote every 4 years while the richest white 1 % laugh at you.

And no I can't fully get rid of my white privileged but I recognized it and symbolically tattooed my arm black so that I can stand in solidarity with oppressed minorities. And after that, look at how many opportunities I was denied because of a visible abdication of my privilege. If that's not proof of white privilege I don't know what is.

Why does the government have to give any able-bodied/minded black person money to survive? How did black people manage when they lived off the land in the past? They weren't receiving government assistance. Again, the notion that black people must have a social safety net to keep them from acting like barbarians is insulting to the people you are advocating for. Without the government's aid black people can't help but act like savages? That's a great way to empower and motivate blacks, by making them think they are useless on their own. Meanwhile, all other races/cultures, find a way to not kill each other in nearly the same numbers as blacks. Do you hear the jews demanding that the government make amends for their near extinction some 20 odd times throughout human history? I don't recall that. They've been enslaved, tortured, starved, murdered by the millions, etc. and they remain resilient. In fact, there may not be a more successful, tightly bound culture of people that exists. And they've been through far worse, and since the beginning of their history. How is that possible? When was the last time you heard about a jewish person killing another jewish person in the parking lot of a local deli?

Yes, I want the crime to stop, so act like civilized human beings and everything will be fine. Giving them more money and social programs won't suddenly make them any wiser. It won't make them think women aren't hoes, or that life is valuable. Money doesn't change perception. If someone is dumb, they will just blow any extra money on unnecessary things, like alcohol, drugs, superficial items, etc.. Giving money to someone that can't manage it well won't make them better off as they won't use it appropriately.
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL now black people are barbarians? Now if that's not racist, I don't know what is. And what you're proposing is steal from black people for hundreds of years and all of a sudden say "it's a level playing field and don't need any social services". You rob somebody to the bone and when he has no money to invest you say "it's a free market and the government should keep their hands off"
A: The amount of magical influence this boogeyman of yours has on the character of only black people exists in your imagination.

B: Since you aren't entitled to a double standard, these "rich white folks" of yours can claim they aren't responsible for their actions either.

C: As the facts indicate, poverty is not the "root cause" of black crime rates (talking USA now). It is as much a fantasy to think that there is a way to give black people 4-5 times the amount of social assistance than anybody else, than it is to think that it would "stop crime".

D: Do greedy rich black people get to keep their money or do you suggest a special "white" tax only (you know, to go along with that new lottery program to send a white guy to prison every time a black person commits a crime)?
LOL @ poverty not being the root cause of crime. What is? The colour of their skin?
And for you Trump supporting conservatives complaining about "freedom of speech", in other countries you can and will go to jail if you express your racist views aloud. In England if you call a black person a racist word you get fined or even go to jail. In Germany some fascist pigs tried to criticize letting in refugees saying there were "too many" (codeword for "I'm a racist") and the government pressed charges against them. See that's the way it should be but we're too backward and conservative here and in the States! No "free speech" for fascists!
You seem to think ridicule is a substitute for disproving my point. It isn't.

Not meant to ridicule -- that just made me laugh. Rather than re-examining your stance re: BLM, when a commentator that you abhor presents a full-throated defence of your stance, you sign on. Why wouldn't you think outside the box and maybe soften your view on BLM?

My point -- and really, it's been lost in the sturm und drang -- was put forward much more eloquently by Full Frontal in their RNC video. Feel free to vehemently disagree with BLM (I don't, but I started this thread to disagree with their Pride Parade shenanigans) -- just don't be asinine and keep parroting All Lives Matter and pretend it's not a dismissive shut down and not an argument. That was my only point.

And your quoting of the Rasmussen poll, and the poll itself, frankly, kind of goes there, too. Black Lives Matter is a 'cri de coeur' from a group of activists. It's not supposed to be read by adding a 'more' as the fourth word, but rather a 'too'. It's not so much angry (although it's that, too) but anguished. A poll that asks the question Rasmussen asks is pitting the two phrases against each other. The results of the poll are therefore predictable but irrelevant, really -- because most black people are good people first and just as generous to their fellow man as your average white guy. But I'm sure you'll snark something along the lines of "well, of course you'd say that." So, enough.
You didn't listen to what I wrote! I'm looking at the root cause of crime! If rich white men make society in such a way that makes black people shoot each other then the rich white men should be blamed for it! Like I said, social assistance programs to unprivileged blacks needs to increase 4-5 fold in order for crime to stop! But the greedy rich white people don't want to cough up the dough!
You keep saying that rich white men have arranged society in a manner that automatically results in black on black crime, but you haven't proven this in any way. Be specific about how the world is set up for black people to fail.

Another quote from Ben Shapiro on this topic: "There's no solution in saying that racism exists. How does that solve anything? And when you talk about there is institutional racism, what does that mean? Show me a law that is racist in intent and we will agree. Show me a police officer that commits a racist act, like we saw in South Carolina, where a police officer shot a black man running away and it was obviously unjustified, and I will agree. But the idea that you can craft a narrative based on no racism because it just must be somewhere out there in the ether, that doesn't solve problems for anybody. It creates more problems for people because now they grow up in a milieu, an environment where they are told that every obstacle they face is from some shadowy, nameless, faceless group who is out to get them, simply because of the colour of their skin. They'll never succeed in that environment."
I don't know how many times I have to tell you. I'm not black. I was born white but I rid myself of white privilege symbolically (see previous thread) posts. LOL @ at picking your token black guy Ben Carson the sellout to prove you're not racist. LOL "I have one black friend therefore I am not racist".

This is all racist BS I hear from you. Yes ignore the fact that rich white men made society in that way so that black people kill each other. Laugh at it and deny it.

LOL @ police killing mostly white people. You find like 3 and then all of a sudden it's a fact. LOL!

Because your so-called views are racist and should not be allowed! And yes white people are more with a privilege that black people don't have! It's called white privilege which is why there is much more black unemployment than white unemployment.

Your views should not be allowed because you're racist! And yes Hitler was a racist too so excuse me for the comparison! And I'm the one supporting fascist views? It's called democracy! True democracy not just a sham of a system that has 2 parties where you could vote every 4 years while the richest white 1 % laugh at you.

And no I can't fully get rid of my white privileged but I recognized it and symbolically tattooed my arm black so that I can stand in solidarity with oppressed minorities. And after that, look at how many opportunities I was denied because of a visible abdication of my privilege. If that's not proof of white privilege I don't know what is.

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL now black people are barbarians? Now if that's not racist, I don't know what is. And what you're proposing is steal from black people for hundreds of years and all of a sudden say "it's a level playing field and don't need any social services". You rob somebody to the bone and when he has no money to invest you say "it's a free market and the government should keep their hands off"

Your deductive reasoning (or absence of it) is baffling.

I know you're not black. I even made mention of that in that post when I said it was more amusing that your are a white guy advocating for something that you can't comprehend because of your inherent privilege.

You completely missed my point re Ben Carson. I used him as proof that a black person can come from destitution, a broken family and get out of the ghetto. You know how he did that? As a child he went to the library and took out books, read them, and became educated. He used that power wisely and look at where he is now. Why can't other black people do the same? "I have one black friend therefore I am not racist." What does that sentence have to do with anything I said? Ben Carson isn't my friend. Are you related to nfitz, by any chance? You seem to think that anyone who disagrees with you is a racist. If you're going to accuse people of racism, then back it up with actual evidence, instead of allowing your subjective feelings to determine your own falsified truths.

Democracy is punishing people whose views don't align with your own? No, that is indeed fascism.

You tattooed your arm black. Excellent. Glad you have your priorities straight. That gesture is really going to make a dent in the struggle you fight for. Why not tattoo your face black and have John Goodman sit on your nose to flatten the bridge? If you were denied opportunities because your arm is tattooed black it's probably because employers/whomever thinks you're crazy or mentally ill. Sane people don't do things like that. That's got nothing to do with your whiteness, but the way you present yourself and it brings to question your mental health. It's no different than a white person with a mohawk being turned down for a job. If one presents themselves poorly, how do they expect others to perceive them? You wouldn't show up for a job interview in sweat pants because no one would take you seriously.

No, the blacks that are killing each other are barbarians, the peaceful, hard working ones are irrelevant. Again, you're either deliberately being disingenuous, or you just can't deduce information. Slavery was abolished 150 years ago. How many generations will it take blacks to recover? No black American alive today even knew a person or family member that was enslaved by white man. The jews were nearly exterminated less than 80 years ago and they're as strong as ever. How is that possible? Are jews demanding that the German government take care of them? Why should modern day white people apologize and feel guilty for something they had nothing to do with? Blacks need to move on or they'll forever remain where they are. There's a certain level of laziness that is prevalent and unjustified demands for extra help that one else receives. They need to find solutions to their own problems, and if they can't, then I guess they're not as clever as other groups. And I'm not directing this at all black people, but just the ones that constantly complain and do nothing to improve their situations. But, inevitably, you'll call me a racist again, because you can't form a coherent argument.

What you're saying is that it is fine to steal from white people and give to poor black people. You're philosophically inconsistent. Two wrongs don't make a right. But to you, I guess, taking from the white man is justice. It's like: you stole from us, so we'll take back what you owe us. Is that right?

Who is being robbed to the bone? America doesn't have slaves anymore.
Not meant to ridicule -- that just made me laugh. Rather than re-examining your stance re: BLM, when a commentator that you abhor presents a full-throated defence of your stance, you sign on. Why wouldn't you think outside the box and maybe soften your view on BLM?

I don't see why he can't despise Ben Shapiro, yet agree with him on certain points. Many here can't stand John Tory, but we'd be lying if we said he isn't a brilliant orator. He's just giving credit where he feels it is due.
I don't see why he can't despise Ben Shapiro, yet agree with him on certain points. Many here can't stand John Tory, but we'd be lying if we said he isn't a brilliant orator. He's just giving credit where he feels it is due.

Armour, please forgive me, but your hardened, archaic views on blacks and -- now -- jews are such that you have no standing with me. There are many, many things in the world you don't see, much less the difference between a Ben Shapiro and a John Tory.

The Jews are 'strong as ever' 80 years after the Holocaust? Oy.
Not meant to ridicule -- that just made me laugh. Rather than re-examining your stance re: BLM, when a commentator that you abhor presents a full-throated defence of your stance, you sign on. Why wouldn't you think outside the box and maybe soften your view on BLM?

Because the facts haven't changed...why would my view? And the fact that I don't let my bias against Shapiro change that actually speaks to my integrity, rather than against it as you seem to suggest.

Feel free to vehemently disagree with BLM (I don't, but I started this thread to disagree with their Pride Parade shenanigans) -- just don't be asinine and keep parroting All Lives Matter and pretend it's not a dismissive shut down and not an argument. That was my only point.

I also am in this thread to disagree with the "Pride Parade shenanigans", as indicated by my previous post. And I view BLM Toronto as a different animal than the American BLM. But you are wrong if you think my general disagreement with BLM has anything to do with the semantics regarding what they call themselves...they can call themselves The Peanut Butter Sandwiches for all I care. Of course we all know "too" is implied (although you'd be naive to think BLM is not full of hard core anti-white, anti-cop hatemongers). It's ok to be in a protest group representing as obscure a group as you like. I don't disagree with BLM as a concept.

It's about what they actually claim and do...which I disagree with. They are just plain wrong. They are not around to help the situation or offer solutions...they are only making the problem worse...not better, which was made clear by their attempt to undermine the positive relationship between TPS and the local LGBT community.

And a clear majority of people agree with this sentiment, including the clear majority of blacks in that poll, which was brought up to counter an assertion that it was racist to support "all lives matter", since it would be a stretch to call it a "racist" stance, if a clear majority of blacks agree with it.
LOL @ poverty not being the root cause of crime. What is? The colour of their skin?

Read what I said a little more carefully...I didn't say poverty wasn't a factor for crime. It obviously is. I said poverty can't be the "root" cause of black crime rates (specifically violent crime rates...and now I'm speaking about USA stats), because the majority of the poor are non-black and do not have the same violent crime rates.

And isn't because of the colour of their skin (or the colour of my skin either). But there are stats that suggest a different "root cause" to this problem.
LOL @ trolling! What you can't handle the truth and it automatically means I'm trolling? I fight for the people not rich privileged white fascists!
To repeat myself, read a book, preferably a dictionary.

And no I didn't say jail ALL white men!
Actually you did, you are using the inclusive label "white", you can't pick and choose, you are continuing to prove my point about authoritarians and fascists.
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