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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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  1. cacruden

    To be a true environmentalists you must die young!

    Man Reduces Carbon Footprint By Dying Young Environmentalists have come to the realization that the only way to really reduce your "carbon footprint" is by dying young. The younger you die, the smaller your carbon footprint is. Environmentalists plan to lobby government to give tax credits...
  2. cacruden

    What advise would you give Stephen Harper to get his majority?

    ^ Personally, I like that...... my last name means "Killer of Danes!"
  3. cacruden

    Is this Legal: Security Camera over PIN pad

    I always open my wallet and place it just above my hand on the keypad, then use as little movement as possible to type in my PIN. It is always a good idea to obstruct any view when entering your PIN since cameras can be very small and easily concealed. Just because your paranoid, does not mean...
  4. cacruden

    What advise would you give Stephen Harper to get his majority?

    I sort of agree with Jade on this one, but not quite. Churches and Not-for-profit organizations should be treated essentially the same - they should not be taxed in most cases - unless they cross the line to "for-profit". BUT, churches, charities, not-for-profits -- should not be able to...
  5. cacruden

    What advise would you give Stephen Harper to get his majority?

    The difference here is that we do not have a large evangelical movement here, so it cannot be used as a base. Stephen Harper is not stupid, he knows that - he knows that to remain Prime Minister in a functioning government you have to govern closer to the centre than to the wings (in Canada)...
  6. cacruden

    Has Political Correctness Destroyed Britain?

    I view immigration similar to Newton's laws in motion (equal and opposite reaction). Immigration (since the beginning of Canada) changes immigrants - but it also changes Canada as a whole (based on mass of Canadians vs. mass of new immigrants). Of course immigration will change Canada, and of...
  7. cacruden

    Gap between the Rich and Poor

    If it was so easy Japan's population would not be falling..... they are xenophobic like you towards immigration. Of course if you took away all the money from the women (100% tax rate), then maybe we could coerce them to have more babies - no baby, no money. You know slaves - take away peoples...
  8. cacruden

    Gap between the Rich and Poor

    IMHO, Toronto would not be the great city it is today if we had barred immigration..... I really had no interest in moving to the bland city of Toronto when I graduated from school, would have preferred to move to Montreal. And guess what - a majority of people that immigrate to Canada are...
  9. cacruden

    Has Political Correctness Destroyed Britain?

    ^ I have to say that I think this is a reasonable view.
  10. cacruden

    Has Political Correctness Destroyed Britain?

    There are multiple issues with political correctness mentioned here: The first is racial language that is used in the same manner as with assault. i.e. calling someone a nigger, or wet-back. Names that are meant to demean, insult, and verbally assault other individuals. This IMHO is a...
  11. cacruden

    Gap between the Rich and Poor

    I don't define european countries as socialist I define those as capitalist with some social programs
  12. cacruden

    Gap between the Rich and Poor

    So your against hard work as well as getting rewarded for it :p Even the government should want their money to grow, your talking about venture capitalism and a very high percentage of companies started don't succeed for a variety of reasons, the higher the risk - the more you expect to get...
  13. cacruden

    Greed 101 by Abacus

    If I were building a condo building, and after finishing it I sold it to investors and then took out an bet that the building would crumble into dust..... (and I did not tell the buyers) and it did.... don't you think that would be sufficient proof for a civil case if not a criminal fraud case?
  14. cacruden

    Greed 101 by Abacus

    I have to agree with EB, intentional deception is called Fraud, Fraud is illegal. Financial firms are required to disclose all relevant information to their customers. If proven, Goldman Sacks is in for a lot of hurt since there would be a lot of customers seeking redress in the courts...
  15. cacruden

    Afghanistan debate (Hillier, new troops)

    Do you know who many invasion, defence, potential conflict plans are drawn up every year? Lots, and almost all of them never executed.... If not for the harbouring of Al Queda and it's training camps, there would have been no interest in the US administration for any invasion - there would be...
  16. cacruden

    Gap between the Rich and Poor

    I guess you haven't heard of medical tourism? It is big business here in Thailand (including Dentists).
  17. cacruden

    Afghanistan debate (Hillier, new troops)

    "Build prisons over there" - you mean no longer "help out with security" but to fully occupy the country (I know it is a very fine line).
  18. cacruden

    Afghanistan debate (Hillier, new troops)

    So, lets figure out the options.... you capture someone who is an enemy.... what do you do with him? Hand him over to the local government? Apparently not. Yes, I know we send him to Gitmo.....
  19. cacruden

    Gap between the Rich and Poor

    Actually, it is not necessarily a credential problem, it is a way to certify what gaps exist in countries we deem as insufficient. I.e. Identifying gaps and allowing upgrading... That being said, the article is also immigrant predjudice. ... Don't want any immigrants stealing jobs...
  20. cacruden

    Gap between the Rich and Poor

    So lets see... a dishwasher and doctors pay differs because of what - artificial restriction on the supply of doctors? Sorry, that one statement is about as stupid as I have seen. Market is about supply and demand (although for doctors their is government interference restricting there...
