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May Sons! , what dare you write there son ?!
Damn aussie's, taking potential migrating peasants away from us.

I suggest we intercept them and kidnap them. Or even better, lure them here.
The Aussies are much smarter than Canucks on immigration policy. The Aussies don't care where you come from, but have a very strict requirements on English-language proficiency and established employment prior to arrival. They also do not allow family class sponsorships beyond your own kids, which stop one guy from bringing in cousins, grandparents, etc. Through their immigration system, new Australians are integrated much faster and more easily into the mainstream than new Canadians in terms of income level, employment status, etc.
That really does sound good. But how would you deal with this problem...
...I know a guy who came from eastern europe... he brought his parents over who were like retired by the time they came here. He did it only for the benefits that they would get. And today they spend most of the year outside of Canada while he sends them their pensions. It's just draining the nation.
But the current immigration program basically asks for that; bringing in the rich and educated from other countries, yet not allowing them or their cousins to get jobs outside of the basic service industry of store clerks and manual labourers. I actually quite like allowing immigrants to bring in their cousins, grandparents and siblings into the country. However, the model that basically tells them to do nothing is useless. We say we want them to be contributing members of the economy, but we tell them to do nothing, and we say we want to integrate them, but we also say we want this country to be a cultural mosaic. I really don't think that it's such a good thing that Australia siphons off all the rich, educated, westernized foreigners and forces them to leave their family members behind because they can't contribute directly to the all-powerful economic engine of the country.

A better system would try to emulate the situations of where people came from, instead of giving them cookie cutter american dream lives with just a generation or two of chinese speakers to bring the culture. I'd much prefer to have entire separate economies based on where people come from, allowing a little bit of everything everywhere. We say that we're multicultural, but to me it seems more like "racially accepting and loving to hear people say things I don't understand on the bus." Everyone wears the same clothes, and if you saw an Indian man on the subway, you wouldn't be able to tell if he was 1st generation or adopted and brought up in the suburbs by white parents. Is it too much to ask to actually see a bit of different cultures everywhere, not disguising your mosque as a community centre, or your indian restaurant as a fast food chain?

That all said, I think that Canada's the closest to achieving true multiculturalism. Like countless things in this country, it just requires a new generation of good, active thinkers and a display of the will that's in many Canadians today.
To understand Australia, we need to delve deep into white anglo thought...
... migration from colored folk is discouraged. By this especially.

And why?
Because their founding fathers implemented the "White Australian Law"

So the aboriginals, what few were left, were in fact grouped with the Koalas and such critters. This is the kind of mind-frame from which one has produced the law that prohibits these other relatives from coming... they want to remain pure. They frown on the cultural mosaic - and to some extent I see it being less and less of a mosaic, as even in Canada groups get assimilated so quickly.
You melt in like gooey cheese. I find that stuff nasty... gooey cheese that is. Hard cheese on the other hand is much yummier. But then there are these weird sweet cheeses from Norway and whatnot. And then those yucky swiss ones that are icky.
I view immigration similar to Newton's laws in motion (equal and opposite reaction). Immigration (since the beginning of Canada) changes immigrants - but it also changes Canada as a whole (based on mass of Canadians vs. mass of new immigrants). Of course immigration will change Canada, and of course immigration will change the immigrants and their future offspring, that is just the way things go. Canada today is not the same as Canada 30 years ago, Canada 30 years ago is not the same as Canada 100 years ago, or 200 years ago. Countries change, borders change, everything changes - the only constant in life IS CHANGE. We celebrate things today that we would not have done years ago, and from my point of view .... it has made Toronto a much better place to live (although I have no plans to return anytime soon - well other than to come back and sell my place).
While I don't agree with the tone of this thread, those two examples are ridiculous. Still, they may not be so much examples of "political correctness" as they are about how we tip-toe around religion (in Canada too) without actually drawing a line and saying "no, this is a non-negotialble in our society."
The Aussies are much smarter than Canucks on immigration policy. The Aussies don't care where you come from, but have a very strict requirements on English-language proficiency and established employment prior to arrival. They also do not allow family class sponsorships beyond your own kids, which stop one guy from bringing in cousins, grandparents, etc. Through their immigration system, new Australians are integrated much faster and more easily into the mainstream than new Canadians in terms of income level, employment status, etc.

So why does Sydney have race riots?
