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  1. C

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    this seems to have just gone up: in the arts section (?!). I wonder if there will be an October/Kouvalis surprise of one of the videos finally making...
  2. C

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Wow. For something drawn on the back of a napkin it scanned and translated pretty well into a PDF (!). It is all complete and easily refutable nonsense, of course. Get to work other candidates and bury this idiot.
  3. C

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Unsubstantiated, of course, but here's a comment on the Globe site from a WayneC1: "Took a couple of LCBO bags into the house on Thurs night......gotta be in the neighbourhood to see the real Ford." is that anybody here?! I've heard a few stories twice removed from neighbours of the...
  4. C

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Our systems just never needed anything to deal with somebody like him before. It has always been assumed that an elected official would have some sort of basic ethical core, or, if not, a sense of shame when revealed to be a dirtbag. I fear that political types everywhere are watching the fords...
  5. C

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    nice! There's an article in the star today about the Fords ill-gotten email list which sent out fundraising emails the other day - most probably a clear breach of the code of conduct/elections act etc... not so nice? they'll get away without any repercussions AGAIN. also, an odd little...
  6. C

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Maybe I missed some talk of this, but: Did anyone else get the fundraising email from the Rob Ford campaign last night? The only possible way that they would have my address is by accessing some correspondence I've had with the mayors office through the city - which, I believe, would be a...
  7. C

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I think I wrote this here before... but, it's releveant to the 2am call, so: Back when Ford asked for women to call him so he could teach them about politics (a classic!) my friend did just that. Rob returned her call a month and a half or so later late at night and left a message: "Hi, this...
  8. C

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    The thing being: Ford and the other like minded councillors from these "suburban" wards have been in office/power for decades and have done next to nothing to solve any of these persistent problems (in fact, their indifference and incompetence both now and pre-amalgamation are why such problems...
  9. C

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Geez. Looks like you've found yourself in the middle of a real high school soap opera... no envy here. These losers (Ford, Lisi, McRobb etc...) are just a bunch stunted teens who never really got the skills (emotional, mental...) to make it in the real world as functioning adults without their...
  10. C

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Because he has the reasoning and cognitive abilities of a child. I think he truly does love seeing the kids having fun and playing etc... but, he can't quite put the cause and effect together that his voting against funding such things would not make this possible. That, and he has this amazing...
  11. C

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    and, hammer the point home by reminding the electorate that Ford even tried to reduce the funding to 311! A service that works, surprisingly, incredibly well.
  12. C

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Just infuriating. Why can't the other mayoral candidates simply say what you have just written in one sentence - either through the media or during a debate. Fords nonsense is so easily refuted yet all of the candidates are astonishingly ineffective at pointing out his absolute inability to do...
  13. C

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    It looks as if this guy is a part of a rap group called "THC" (!). There are tons of pictures of him/them with Rob and Doug (while flashing gang signs!) and others on their instagram. I'm thinking that they have one of their buddies filming these shenanigans with the giant head cutout and the...
  14. C

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Let's try and stay on topic and take any personal issues to direct messages, ok? I really hate when this, usually great, fun and informative forum devolves into this back and forth bickering (as I think others do). It's always the death of vibrant communities like this. And, back on topic...
  15. C

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    This is Klassic Kinsella. He is, truly, a world class jerk. The poor judgement that Chow showed by aligning herself with him is another reason why I can't support her. There was a story a while ago before the provincial election about a whole slew of "consultancy" projects going to Kinsella/his...
  16. C

    2014 Municipal Election: Toronto Mayoral Race

    So, she wants to build LRT's, uselessly, underground along a rail corridor which already doesn't interfere with auto traffic? What possible angle could she be playing with these doomed mayoral runs? It's just a huge waste of her fortune. Is there some sort of tax incentive/loophole for her and...
  17. C

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    This would of course be laughable if it weren't completely insulting to every constituent in that ward. A 21 year old kid with zero experience, skills or even apparent prior interest in politics to serve the needs of tens of thousands of people... and, most especially, those in the most need...
  18. C

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Good lord. "I could hear the mayor in the background working out..." !!! Is a 9 year old running this campaign? Who would actually believe this massaged, scripted crap? Anyhow, I'm interested in Daniel Dales 75 questions (even though the front page teasers are pretty lightweight).
  19. C

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    One must never forget that time when Krista posted a stupid victim blaming/shaming comment on twitter and Doug said he and Rob dealt with the situation by “And to be very blunt, we chewed her ass out from one end to the other.” I really wish I could forget and erase that image though...
  20. C

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Could I get a refresher on what this "note" Jimmi T got was all about? I must have missed those posts/blinked...
