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Tory *isn't* very inspiring to me. Bland, yes. Wishy-washy, rather (pray for a good Council!). But a moderate, wouldn't you agree? Which might be what Toronto needs, to move on from Ford's divisive tenure. I get the feeling he might be able to work with Council instead of making a career of butting heads with them as an apparent matter of principle.

And a Toronto mayor who isn't likely to figure on the news and the late-night comedy shows here in the US - and who doesn't inspire 'selfie-fever' *gag* - might be rather a good thing... <----my understatement for the evening.
Was polled earlier this evening about who I would vote for in Ward 27. Sarah Thomson was amongst the candidates. I didn't recognize the name of the pollster.
Meanwhile, Ford spent Tuesday night knocking on doors in the Jane-Steeles area, where supporters outnumbered detractors.

Ford bounded from house to house, beads of sweat running down his face, as reporters followed him along Hullmar Dr. and Wheelwright Cres.

Asked why he ducked Tuesday night’s debate, Ford said he likes meeting people face to face and letting them know he appreciates their support.

“I will do the major debates no problem, when I’m free,” Ford told reporters. “But you know what, we had this planned from last week.”

Someone about 20 pages ago mentioned the ROT in city politics. It's always been there. We elect people we have little info on based on a few soundbites or a flyer stuffed in our mailbox. It was well known among Toronto Council that Rob was a drunk, but there was little political capital to be gained until it became widespread public knowledge. This is no different than most work environments, we all know people we've worked with who have been involved in affairs, the drunks, the druggies, the people that come in late/leave early but be honest, how often do you go to the top of the chain and rat out someone who should be fired...or arrested?

Take a look at Georgio Mammoliti, what's his background....well, he used to cut grass for the city, then he was a union steward/chief then jumped into politics. I wouldn't trust him to balance my checkbook but voters seemed less than capable of sussing out what actual skills he brings to the city, besides landscaping and being a union man ready to jump into politics.

I would guess about 20-30% of all council members are of a similar ilk. Not well educated, no great work record, just someone that saw public service as a great paycheck with lots of fringe benefits, and you can bet with that mindset if you have a colleague on council that beats his wife, gets hammered, maybe delivers some underhanded favours at the expense of the public they won't say anything, why rock the boat, put in your hours, cash your paycheck and STFU.

Don't get me wrong, I think there are some great people that do want to make their cities more liveable and are concerned with the bottom line, but we don't have a litmus test to see who they are, we can only go by what we hear and read, and frankly our newspapers and media have become so pathetic at actually reporting that that's all but impossible .

Really liked your post, Rofomofo.

Given the presence of guys like Mams and the Fords at CH, what's to stop a future mayor or councillor learning from the Rofo spectacle? By that I mean being batshit crazy, and doing almost anything and nothing at the same time, while generating a media noise so loud it's heard worldwide. Who's to stop you? Not even a judge.

Rofo's peers stripped him of his meryl powers, such they were, but they could neither suspend him nor make him go away, at least temporarily. Only a coke-fueled publicity crisis was able do that. Yet I recall that during Spa-hab this thread was as busy as an ACC washroom after 2nd period.

(Speaking of washrooms, when is some right-wing nutter going to suggest reinstating pay toilets? Respect for the taxpayer and all. In 2014 it must be worth more than a dime-a-dump -- prolly at least a loonie in today's money. The park is good enough for Rob and Sandro, but elitists want there no end to the gravy? )

If revisions to the City of Toronto Act were put on the order paper *after* Oct 27, wouldn't Premier Wynne appear biased against the meryl winner? Wouldn't it seem like trying to limit the powers of the new mayor for perhaps political reasons? If addressing the mayor problem were put on the order paper *before* the election, I think it would be clear why the changes are on the agenda, without muddying the issue.

This is a Queens Park conversation that needs to be had. The sooner it gets started, the better.
Tory *isn't* very inspiring to me. Bland, yes. Wishy-washy, rather (pray for a good Council!). But a moderate, wouldn't you agree? Which might be what Toronto needs, to move on from Ford's divisive tenure. I get the feeling he might be able to work with Council instead of making a career of butting heads with them as an apparent matter of principle.

And a Toronto mayor who isn't likely to figure on the news and the late-night comedy shows here in the US - and who doesn't inspire 'selfie-fever' *gag* - might be rather a good thing... <----my understatement for the evening.

Well said.
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Looks like Rob Ford's transit plan is available a day early (PDF):

So besides Page 2 reading like a Grade 6 Science report, the DRL is now a phase 1 priority, he is touting unseen revenue from Build Toronto, he is waving that mythical P3 flag again and the "Tax Increment Funding" is esentially a "Pay Day Loan" that taxpayers will be on the hook for in the future.

Doug has to stop having interns create these policy planks...
There were lots of "guys" killed in 2010.... in alphabetical order in fact. Which one are you thinking of? Details?

I think this is all getting convoluted because Jimmi has been rather vague of late.
But someone, a few pages back, mentioned a name and asked if Jimmi knew about it so I think he's just saying he can't find that name again but he didn't know of him. Leaves other questions unanswered.

Looks like Rob Ford's transit plan is available a day early (PDF):

Amazing it leaked already. What a bunch of buffoons. Amazingly, it's not as stupid as his 2010 plan (i.e. He promised like 5 new subway lines by, well, now.) Things that amuse me at first glance:
-most of the "facts" he lists on the second page could easily be refuted. A subway has lower long-term maintenance costs and operating costs than an LRT? says who?
-yeah, obviously we've been under investing in subways etc. but putting a TTC map alongside Tokyo or New York is just apples and oranges.
-personal pet peeve: I like that neither Phase 1, nor Phase 2 of his plan includes the Yonge subway extension which, last I checked, is the only unbuilt subway line Toronto council actually has on the books as approved (subject to conditions, of course). I'll give you 10:1 Ford isn't even aware the plan for it exists. Also, the 2nd phase (west) extension of Sheppard was supposed to be built by 2015, according to his previous platform. Now? Rather uncertain...
-I like that one section of p.5 is in 3rd person (as with most of the document) and then suddenly it's all, "I will build..." That's solid writing and editing there.
-his funding plan is so half-baked it's not really worthy of comment. If he was really capable of doing those things (selling air rights, jacking up DCs etc. etc.) he would have done it already.
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Oh dear. Poor kid. He's way over his head. The blind leading the blind.

What are Uncles Rob and Doug doing to this young man? I have two son's of similar age. Post undergraduate degrees, not quite sure how to proceed in life. It is not fair to this kid. Of course he appears lazy. That's part of the age group. Carrying the Ford legacy is surely enough to induce escapist indolence and passive aggressive non-compliance.
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