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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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  1. RyLucky

    Calgary | Archer | 17.98m | 5s | Truman | S2

    A grid of Lowrise apartments like that reminds me of Boston's Back Bay.
  2. RyLucky

    Calgary | Verve | 82.60m | 25s | Fram | Giannone Petricone

    My thoughts exactly. They almost need a Reno before the first tenants. Taller, brighter, glassier, less strip-mally. They'll be lucky to sign booster juice.
  3. RyLucky

    Calgary | BMO Centre Expansion | 25m | 5s | CMLC

    The CRL will work if they can attract a lot of residential and hotel investment. The timing might be right with supply in the east village and beltline beginning to shorten, but unlike the EV, there won't be a massive investment like the Bow to instantly convince us we did the right thing...
  4. RyLucky

    25th Ave SE LRT Grade Separation

    I think that's a great idea. Raise the street wall a level on both sides of MacLeod. Have the train and MacLeod at grade. "Flood proofing". You could add MacLeod car access at 24th ave and keep 25th ave as a boulevard connection Mission, Elrton, Stampede, Ramsay, Manchester, and Blackfoot. It...
  5. RyLucky

    25th Ave SE LRT Grade Separation

    Also, is there no way to maintain 25th ave as a throughway?
  6. RyLucky

    25th Ave SE LRT Grade Separation

    Also, B is terrible.
  7. RyLucky

    25th Ave SE LRT Grade Separation

    A or C. Between these two, A seems costlier but with more efficient through traffic; but C has the interesting advantages of potentially decreasing the distance to the 25th ave crossing (to Erlton and Mission) AND the 3rd st access to the Stampede, which will probably be the major...
  8. RyLucky

    Calgary Regional Rail Transit

    Adding on to what @JasperTF said, I think rail transit to the parks could have some important environmental and economic impacts beyond the obvious (insert typical transit vs cars stats on hydrocarbon combustion). 1) Visitors would arriving by train would be more densely concentrated around...
  9. RyLucky

    Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

    I'm a fan of anything like this that might provide lasting city revenue. A modest cost to build, years of rental income to follow. I mean, right now it's just wasted space. Alternatively, that would be a decent place for a gym.
  10. RyLucky

    Calgary | New Central Library | ?m | 6s | Calgary Library | Snøhetta

    "Pipe" dream, indeed. They should literally build a glass pipe through city hall. Let it be 100% outdoors in the pipe and offer a figuratively and literally transparent look into city politics. Think Rijksmuseum, but glass.
  11. RyLucky

    General Construction Updates

    So the answer is a resounding "NO" (56.4% vs 43.5%ish). You know and I know that this was not technically a vote about whether or not to use taxpayer money to build a new stadium... but we also both know that is exactly what it was about. Personally, I think - done the right way - the...
  12. RyLucky

    Calgary | New Central Library | ?m | 6s | Calgary Library | Snøhetta

    TIL hieroglyphs = emojis
  13. RyLucky

    Calgary | New Central Library | ?m | 6s | Calgary Library | Snøhetta

    Incredible. I hadn't realised how eclectic the architecture was. They took nods from ancient Athens' "stoa". There are indigenous and natural allusions at every turn. There is a mix of modernist and organic materials. It almost falls to the Mondrian and geometric motifs of the past decade, then...
  14. RyLucky

    One Way or Two Way streets- - which is better?

    It depends. My sense is that 1-ways move more cars per hour at higher velocities, with less space between cars, and better transitions to to freeways. They also reduce waits for left turns. My sense is that 2-ways are less frustrating to tourists and people learning their way around, promote...
  15. RyLucky

    Calgary | UPTEN | 121.91m | 37s | Strategic Group

    I thought I'd never see the day!
  16. RyLucky

    Calgary | Green Line LRT | ?m | ?s | Calgary Transit

    Can anyone comment further on the single vs double bore? I don't think I've ever been in a vertically stacked single bore metro station.
  17. RyLucky

    Calgary | 1116 - 7th Ave SW | ?m | 12s | Cidex Group | NORR

    I know a few people who live alone in a 1 or 2 br and rent out their flats constantly when they go out of town, a few times per month. It's probably a sample bias, but it seems to me that this there is a ton of demand for this - even more than there is for hotels, at least for personal travel.
  18. RyLucky

    Calgary | Parkside | ?m | 18s | Anthem | IBI Group

    Calgary needs more coyote. It's more a symbol of our city than people realize. Also, a fixture of Thomas King novels set in Alberta. Or is that a fox?
  19. RyLucky

    Calgary | Parkside | ?m | 18s | Anthem | IBI Group

    Wow! Reminds me of their ad/render where Parkside glows.
  20. RyLucky

    Calgary | 1116 - 7th Ave SW | ?m | 12s | Cidex Group | NORR

    ... and sublet rentals, legal or not.
