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  1. K

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Nice of them to bugger off to Florida while baby bro is having chemo. Wonder if mama bear is there with her 2 Cubs. Such a supportive and loving family.
  2. K

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    But does Tory practise Jewdism? :-)
  3. K

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I don't remember hearing or reading anything about that.
  4. K

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Do we know the tumour is in the retro peritoneal area?
  5. K

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Actually the edema does not generally start in the lungs. You will notice general bloating. The other tell tale sign of renal failure is the distinct odour of urine on the breath. Shortness of breath and weakness is also a sign. With MINO though, the latter is part and parcel of the chemo so...
  6. K

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I can believe his kidnies are compromised and not working at peak capacity but they likely have not shut down or he would be in hospital on dialysis. Once kidnies shut down life expectancy is down to weeks if not days. ETA I have no days of medical training but lived through dialysis with 2...
  7. K

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Stintz's response seems very plausible. If you're polling in single digits late in the game against 3 "big names", aren't getting enough donations to continue and already have tens of thousands of dollars of personal debt, why bother to continue the race.
  8. K

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I guess there's 2 ways to look at it: 1) JT wouldn't be stupid enough to put himself through an investigation a second time or 2) given no consequences the first time, no reason to hold back again. Interesting how similar the 2 scenarios are. I thought I read in the exchange that Stintz...
  9. K

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    If she were offered $$ to quit, is that bribing an official? Why would anyone be stupid enough to do that given her minuscule support? If it's true, might that be a basis to disqualify Tory? Jeez, just when I thought the circus and drama was over!
  10. K

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    The answer to the disability question is somewhat complicated. ▶️You can not go on long term without first serving the short term period, which for the city is 3 months I think. ▶️You have to still be an active member to apply for, and get long term disability. There is also typically a...
  11. K

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    But the Board could be changed out from Ford appointees to Tory appointees with a potential change in result, no?
  12. K

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    The irony of someone who votes against "social liberal" motions declaring themselves a social liberal and contemplating running for conservative leadership with a tea party approach. SMH.
  13. K

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    To be fair, he got pretty far in the mayoral race using that strategy :-)
  14. K

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Yup ... And he had lotsa help. Now let's hope he does something positive with the opportunity given him.
  15. K

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    With respect to the learning disability and the specialized classes, I didn't read it anywhere Casita. This is info directly from people who had classes with him in high school.
  16. K

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I don't doubt he did. I admit to not watching any of his interviews, of which there aren't many to begin with. My point was that he was never known as Stirpe and always known as Ford so he didn't really change anything from a day to day perspective, only that nigly little legal detail.
  17. K

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Fair comment although I took the Laurier thing to mean he was in a degree program, which according to a friend of HIS, he was not. I hadn't considered the possibility he may have taken a course or short program which was then parlayed into he went to Laurier, which most people would understand...
  18. K

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    First of all, Ford has always been part of his name. He dropped Stirpe but in school he was always known as Ford. No one knew him as Stirpe. This is not specifically directed at any one in particular, certainly not JWBF, it just seemed an opportune time to say this. I've been reading some not...
  19. K

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Nope, nothing wrong indeed. I'm sure it wouldn't make his family happy. I actually feel some empathy for him. From everything I've heard from people who know him, he is a nice person who is being painted with the same brush as his uncles. Must be tough
  20. K

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Hey, I was just responding ... Based on reliable info actually.
